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soothsayer ([info]soothsayer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-06-13 23:55:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, inactive - ezekiel brooks, team - x-men

Begging your pardon ma'am it's just one more thing
He called ahead two nights ago. He had gotten drunk right after that. Drunk to forget the faces of the kids that no one had saved. He went through a pack of cigarettes in between the next morning and now this after noon.

He wants to call Mary. Tell her that he still loves her even though she hates him for never telling a lie. Not even one sweet little lie. He should have told her he was a mutant. Maybe his son would like him. He decided that he wouldn't think about it on the drive up. He smoked three cigarettes on the drive. What would Charles say? He had no idea.

He got there and was allowed in the gate. They were expecting the Detective. Not too much of a shock. He parked his car and stopped to stretch his bad leg, god it hurt. Time to go tell Charles all about this.

Please father, let me confess my sins. I'm not Superman and I need you to help me catch these baby killers. He shook his head at the thought drifting through his head. Charles is many things to many people but he's no priest.

So he limps up to the front door and puts out his last smoke as he knocks on the door. This is his only hope.

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2009-06-14 06:39 am UTC (link)
Corey, his oft-present catalog under his arm, answered it. "Hi, can I help you?"

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2009-06-14 06:45 am UTC (link)
He doesn't blink he just offers a slight smile to the young man. "Hi. Detective Ezekiel Brooks. I have a meeting with Professor Xavier. He's expecting me if you need to check."

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2009-06-14 07:12 am UTC (link)
"Sculptor Extrordinaire Cornelius Drake." He smirked. "He and Uncle Scott are running late with a thing, but if he'd have a problem with you coming in, it's not like we wouldn't hear it pretty quick, so" Corey let him in.

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2009-06-14 07:19 am UTC (link)
"Thanks." He limps in and blinks slightly. "Well I hope everything is fine. It's....been years since I've actually been here."

He hadn't meant to say that. Oh well it would get out sooner or latter. "Summer vacation start yet? I seem to recall the school year here ran slightly different than other places."

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2009-06-14 07:33 am UTC (link)
"It has. Know any of the Elder Statesmen besides the Prof?"

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2009-06-14 07:38 am UTC (link)
"Not as well as you do. I only came during the summer for two years. I wasn't comfortable with my powers around people who led such tense lives," he says honestly. He would rather not attempt to lie. He hopes this kid can act like himself.

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2009-06-14 07:58 am UTC (link)
Corey could, at times, be faulted for being excessively himself.
"Some abilities lend themselves to more Issues than others. Now mine are actually perfect for the non-tense life -- I'm an an artist -- but the do the defensive stuff nice, too."

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2009-06-14 08:07 am UTC (link)
"That's nice. I was never really good at art. Stick figures and bad pinch pots," he says very seriously. "Let's just say my gift is great at pointing me in the right direction with my work. It comes in handy."

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2009-06-14 08:37 am UTC (link)
"Always handy to have professional uses. Tried thinking of a few ways terrakinesis could give me an advantage with a summer job, but the good ideas are pretty much anti-discreet. Going to do odd-jobs on campus to pay off my sheep for now."

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2009-06-14 08:41 am UTC (link)
He blinks a little owlishly. What would a teenager want with a sheep? He's not sure he wants to know but he'll smile in a kind way. "Good luck. Odd jobs are hard to find."

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2009-06-15 01:32 am UTC (link)
Corey's sheep is being put to excellent use elsewhere, but some might find it advisable not to him started. "Thanks. Your leg okay?"

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2009-06-15 03:48 am UTC (link)
He isn't interested in talking about sheep anyways. Though he doesn't know it's for charity. "It's fine. It just gets sore on longer drives. It's just not as strong as my other leg."

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2009-06-15 07:28 am UTC (link)
Corey nodded sympathetically. "The trip from the city can be a real pain. Not as much as a transcontinental flight -- I always think I'm going to go crazy in the air that long, but still..."

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2009-06-15 07:34 am UTC (link)
Charles' telepathic voice sounded in Corey's head. "Mr. Drake, will you please escort our guest to my office?"

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2009-06-15 07:40 am UTC (link)
"I've never left New York," he admits with a shrug. He adjusts his fingers around the hand of his brief case. He really hopes he won't be offers a drink or anything. He doesn't feel like sorting through the past forty eight hours of a cup or glass in the school.

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2009-06-15 07:44 am UTC (link)
Yessir, Corey concentrates back. "Sounds like it's time for your meeting. Right this way."

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2009-06-15 07:57 am UTC (link)
Ezekiel nods and follows. He has lots of things to talk about with the Professor. He knows the Professor will be well aware of his self-destructive anger. He's aware of it too but that's why he came here, for help.

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2009-06-15 08:58 am UTC (link)
"He's right down over here. I hope whatever this is about, it won't lead to serious collateral damage. Except maybe the kind I'd get paid to help fix." This, under the circumstances, is Corey wishing him well.

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2009-06-15 09:03 am UTC (link)
Charles Xavier waited patiently in his office. He had been surprised to hear from Ezekiel Brooks and when the man requested a meeting, Charles had immediately scheduled some time for one.

"Please come in," Charles said before there was a knock on the door.

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2009-06-15 09:11 am UTC (link)
Ezekiel comes in and offers Charles a cordial smile and carefully sits with out letting his hands touch anything.

"It's good to see you, Professor," he starts as he goes into his brief case. "There's a problem in the city that...I really desperately need help with. my partner refuses to see what's right in front of him...Well. Here."

He passes over what he could bring. Pictures and information on the four teenagers and how they died. He's very tense over this and with good reason.

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2009-06-15 09:16 am UTC (link)
"It is a pleasure to see you again Ezekiel," Charles said with a nod. Charles accepted the items and looked them over. After a few moments of looking over the documents and pictures Charles spoke again. "Will you please explain what you have seen?"

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2009-06-15 09:27 am UTC (link)
"At first I thought it was just bad crack. I've seen it before. Sometimes when kids get into it, they get hurt," he explains with the tone of someone who isn't happy with reality. "But all four kids are mutants. One of them wasn't a street kid. No previous signs of drug use. I'm more than positive these kids are being murdered by someone who knows they're mutants. And...I got an impression. They were talked into going to some kind of service. Free food. It always get 'em. It's ...It was like someone there made them feel like they needed to try out that drug because them being there was filthy."

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2009-06-15 09:50 am UTC (link)
Specific attacks against mutants. Charles honestly wished he could say he was surprised, but it was a sad reality of the world they lived in. "You were correct to bring this to my attention. It is very serious matter." Mutant lives were at stake, some of those lives were the kids who now walked the grounds.

"Do you have any information on who could possibly be behind this?"

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2009-06-15 09:57 am UTC (link)
"I have some contacts in Vice," he begins. "They were sure the street gangs wouldn't pull that shi...stuff. Easier to get more power if you get someone with some kind of useful power on your side."

He won't roll his eyes. "I'm thinking Purifiers. They have the technology so I've heard to sniff out mutants. And some of them have been trying to 'give a helping hand' at some of the shelters. I just don't know who they'd have making this drug. We need it off the streets."

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2009-06-15 10:03 am UTC (link)
"Yes, I agree on that point. We need to find out the person or persons responsible and get this drug off the streets."

Charles was quiet for a moment while he collected his thoughts. "Will you continue to investigate this matter? If you need any assistance, I will offer you any that you require."

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2009-06-15 10:11 am UTC (link)
"I might need help if I have to do this with out my partner. With my leg I'm not as fast as I could be. That'll be a problem if things get dicey," Ezekiel admits. "But until I know my partner's stand point it's safe assume I'm not going to be on my own so don't worry about me. I'll keep you updated."

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2009-06-15 10:14 am UTC (link)
Charles nodded. "Please let me know if you require assistance. I have people that will be able to assist you."

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2009-06-16 01:12 am UTC (link)
"Of course. Thank you Professor." He always feels better after talking to people he knows are effective. But time for him to go start being effective at what he does.

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2009-06-16 05:09 am UTC (link)
"You are welcome," Charles said with a nod. "Thank you for bringing this urgent matter to my attention."

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2009-06-16 05:52 am UTC (link)
"You're welcome," he replies. Funny how there are so few people he is so polite with. At the station he does not speak this well. It helps disguise the truths he can never really hide.

"I'll see myself out now. Hopefully your day goes better," he adds. He should pick up something to eat on the latter half of the drive back. He'll make more phone calls and hit the pavement when he can.

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2009-06-16 05:55 am UTC (link)
"Thank you and I hope your day goes well. It was good to see you again."

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2009-06-28 07:13 pm UTC (link)
"You too. Good bye," Ezekiel says as he gathers up his brief case and vacates the office. It was time to start his way to the front door.

The meeting went okay at least.

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