Almost done!
Two more finals to go, and those weren't until the end of the week. Then she'd be done and free for at least two weeks. Then it would be the summer internship at S.H.I.E.L.D. Training with the Avengers beta team. Personal training with Uncle Steve. She was doing so much better, too. The last time out was held down for ninety seconds. Fluke or not, she'd done it. Now all she had to do was find away to use it that wasn't illegal or immoral.
She debated whether to go back to the mansion and study with one of Jarvis' ice cream sundaes masterpieces, or to spend the time in the library. Two solid years of school, including summers, was getting to her. Her goals were still firmly in place, but she was in desperate need of a vacation. It was getting to her.
She compromised and ducked into a small hole-in-the-wall cafe and asked for a corner booth. Her bag weighed her down, but it wasn't all books. Her Glock was feeling extra heavy these days too. That's how she knew it was stress; the Glock was her baby and she wouldn't be parted with it on a dare.
With a chocolate shake and a plate of hot fries for the dipping, Sammy cracked a book with a sigh, got out a pad of paper, pencil and a highlighter, and bent her head to the next final prep.
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