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bloody_irony ([info]bloody_irony) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-11 22:32:00

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Entry tags:dmitri rasputin, inactive - ellie rasputin, team - x-men

Open for Company

The mansion's residents seemed to have a lot going on, except for Dmitri.  He struggled the entire day with what to do with himself.  He sat peacefully at a piano he'd brought back with him and began to play a "simple" piece.  Well... it was simple for him.

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2010-03-12 03:46 am UTC (link)
He grinned at her and decided not to get even. "You are getting good at sneaking around, Vanya. I could not help but he scared."

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2010-03-12 03:48 am UTC (link)
Ellie beamed. "I've been practicing sneaking up on people....and with my powers too! I can teleport other people now! Yeah, I've only done it once...but still I can do it!"

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