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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-08 16:48:00

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Entry tags:exiles, inactive - black tom cassidy, inactive - roxanne, iron dragon, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", quinn braddock, sarah rogers

Rallying the troops
Everyone's memories came back to them, once they had a few reminders. Avengers Mansion made a good rallying point. Some were harder to find than others, but Anya managed most of them, the Tallus did the rest once Sarah asked it.

Time to get back to business.

Sarah waits in the main meeting room, letting everyone get assembled before she delivers the bad, bad news.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 05:31 pm UTC (link)
Prism looked up as the energy rained down and grinned. Finally, something he was good for.
"That the best you got?" he yelled up at the costumed freak as he jumped directly in the path of the blast. His crystaline body absorbing the energy. And after a moment, sending it right back at the source.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 05:34 pm UTC (link)
Harpoon's attention was grabbed by Prism's shout and after the volley of energy was sent back towards Quinn, a charged spear traveled in its wake, aimed for an outstretched arm.
"Now this is more like it."

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 05:52 pm UTC (link)
"Just getting warmed up, mate," Quinn said as he dove to dodge the redirected blast and the spear. The spear caught him across the thigh and it hurt. Quinn bit back the pain and pushed on.

"I summon the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak!" he yelled. Red bands started to form and Quinn directed them toward Prism and Harpoon.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Prism, thinking these things were probably energy based like before, stepped right into their line. He was in for a very rude awakening as they wrapped around him and constricted his body.
"Aw shit."

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 06:33 pm UTC (link)
While Prism did his thing, Harpoon responded to the threat with another charged spear, aimed for the flying man's right arm.

When his partner in crime went down, he made a concentrated effort to avoid the second of those weird energy things, sending a third charged harpoon toward the costumed target. This time going for a foot.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 06:43 pm UTC (link)
Quinn got hit in the right bicep and yelled. Then another one hit his foot. Another yelled. That was it. He was NOT HAPPY and it was time to end this.

He gathered his will and sent blasts at Harpoon. While he was doing that he tightened the bands around Prism since they came a little loose when he got hit.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 06:46 pm UTC (link)
The tightening of the bands around Prism, who had be trying to squirm out as soon as he felt them loosened, ended up shattering the poor man. With a last thought of 'not again', his body cracked and broke apart with the force being applied. He had always been rather delicate. And within seconds his soul was once more lost to the fields of hell.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Harpoon dived out of the way of the blasts, landing behind a broken building. With Prism out of the game, and this guy managing ranged attacks, he didn't have quite the advantage he used to. Making a fast decision, the Inuit got up and booked it over toward Vertigo and Riptide. Three on one was much better than a fair fight any day.

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Re: The little things you love the most.
2010-03-21 07:33 pm UTC (link)
Quinn chased. He was not going to get away. He redirected the bands to intercept the fleeing man.

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