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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-08 16:48:00

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Entry tags:exiles, inactive - black tom cassidy, inactive - roxanne, iron dragon, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", quinn braddock, sarah rogers

Rallying the troops
Everyone's memories came back to them, once they had a few reminders. Avengers Mansion made a good rallying point. Some were harder to find than others, but Anya managed most of them, the Tallus did the rest once Sarah asked it.

Time to get back to business.

Sarah waits in the main meeting room, letting everyone get assembled before she delivers the bad, bad news.

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2010-03-21 03:58 pm UTC (link)
Her fingertips close on Mjolnir. Its a struggle against pain, weakness, and the stars dancing in front of her eyes, but she catches the thong, dragging the hammer into reach. He fingers close about the handle, and the head hits the ground.

It burns, every nerve in her body firing, but as much as she missed before, she knows how to bring the lighting down on top of herself. And not only did she have the shield, but Holocaust was stepping on her, the two factors shielding her from some of the blast, and he certainly gets worse than she does.

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2010-03-21 03:59 pm UTC (link)
Holocaust screams, tumbling back, his armor smoking.

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2010-03-21 04:00 pm UTC (link)
She'd love to take advantage, but right now, its all she can do to catch her breath and clear her vision, giving away a few precious seconds before she's able to sit up, then struggle to her feet.

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2010-03-21 04:02 pm UTC (link)
Recovering first, he rushes at her, swinging more for power than precision, sensing victory and weakness alike and seizing upon it.

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2010-03-21 04:04 pm UTC (link)
She's slammed back against the wall, leaving an indent in the stone, taking a blow to the side of the head that leaves her ears ringing, and a crushing blow to her ribs. The pain helps snap her back to her senses though, and while he's fast, he's not as well trained. As soon as she sees an opening, she lashes out with the hammer, kicking upward at the torso if she can get any space.

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2010-03-21 04:06 pm UTC (link)
He takes the first blow, doing little other than making him take a step back, little power behind it. The second has more force, and he stumbles off balance, trying to regain the initiative with a radiation blast.

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2010-03-21 04:07 pm UTC (link)
Sarah ducks the blast, coming in low, swinging for the jointed, mobile parts of the stomach armor with the edge of the shield, and more for impact than precision with Mjolnir.

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2010-03-21 04:11 pm UTC (link)
The first splits a couple plates, leaving obvious damage, but no breaches yet. The second rocks him back, sending him to the ground and skidding along hard. As he comes to a stop, both hands come up, firing a concentrated blast at her, trying to catch her before she can get the shield up from the attack.

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2010-03-21 04:12 pm UTC (link)
She takes the hit hard, wind driven out of her as she's blasted back into the building and through the wall. Struggling right back up, she flings the hammer as hard as she can.

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2010-03-21 04:14 pm UTC (link)
The impact is thunderous, sending him careening back under the hammerblow, the crack in his armor where it hit glowing and smoking. He's plenty coherent even so, rushing at her full force, crashing through the wall he sent her through.

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2010-03-21 04:15 pm UTC (link)
She's slammed back and into the opposite wall under his charge, shaking the foundation of the building. She rolls aside, pulling herself back to her feet with help from the shaky wall.

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2010-03-21 04:17 pm UTC (link)
He's paying their surroundings no mind, blasting away again and again.
"You cannot defeat me!"

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2010-03-21 04:20 pm UTC (link)
She deflects the first blast aside, then ducks low, deflecting another up. She dodges another, before her eyes open wide, realizng the damage he's done to their surroundings. She building shakes and groans, then begins to collapse, hundreds of tons of stone raining down on top of both of them.

Its all she can do to get the shield up.

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2010-03-21 04:23 pm UTC (link)
He blasts upward, disintegrating the stone as it rains down. He still takes numerous impacts, and ends up buried to the waist, but its easy enough to begin to free himself, pushing up to the top of the pile.

"You've damaged me, whelp, but it was not enough, not nearly enough." he says to the pile of rubble.

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2010-03-21 04:25 pm UTC (link)
All is quiet, settling for a few moments. Then the pile shifts. Badly battered and torn up, Sarah crashes free from the pile, lifting into the air. She whirls the hammer, looking as if she's about to throw it again, then doesn't, building up a directed hurricane force blast instead. The stones and rock chips rise, swirling about Holocaust, battering him with a barrage of stone driven before 200 mph winds.

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2010-03-21 04:27 pm UTC (link)
He's smashed from all directions at once, some of the rock actually embedding in his armor. Once he finally regains his senses, he begins raidating out intense energy in all directions, glowing brightly, disintegrating the stone before it can strike him and regaining his footing against the wind.

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2010-03-21 04:28 pm UTC (link)
She doesn't hesitate, already having built up momentum with the whirling hammer. She throws it, trying to aim for the shadow of a figure inside the blinding corona of light.

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2010-03-21 04:30 pm UTC (link)
He's slammed back, flying several yards before crashing heavily into the ground, the crack in his chestplate wider now. Enraged, he races back at her, intent on her destruction, slapping aside the shield and reaching for her throat.

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2010-03-21 04:31 pm UTC (link)
He slams into her just as the hammer is getting back, sending Mjolnir skidding a few feet away, out of reach. She's able to block his first strike, but it does indeed knock the shield aside, and his hand closes on her throat.

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2010-03-21 04:33 pm UTC (link)
He lifts her off the ground, this time with the sense to watch for her hammer. He begins crushing, smashing his free hand into her face and chest repeatedly, battering her already damaged form.

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2010-03-21 04:35 pm UTC (link)
She's unable to breathe, and has to force herself not to panic. She slams at his arm with the shield, trying to force him to let go, but she can't get a good swing behind it.

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2010-03-21 04:37 pm UTC (link)
It almost works. His grip loosens long enough for her to draw a single breath, even if its painfully hot this close to his armor's radiation leak. He tightens his grip again though, and tightens his grip, hand radiating energy as he tries to crush and burn the life from her. He draws her in closer so she can't get any swing at all behind the shield, holding her aloft.

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2010-03-21 04:40 pm UTC (link)
Unable to use the shield, she drops it. The breath of hot, irradiated air doesn't help much, and in addition to the strangulation, she can feel her throat burning, his fingerprints burned into the flesh.

As he pulls her in close, she goes for one last, desperate option. She digs her fingers into the crack in the armor. She immediately pulls back from the burn. No other option. She thrusts her hand into the breach again, then releases hold of his wrist, digging the other hand in as well. She can feel her fingers burning as she grabs the armor, tearing as hard as she can, trying to force the gap wide.

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2010-03-21 04:43 pm UTC (link)
He screams, an echoing wail as he feels his containment suit being torn open, the leak growing worse. He tries to focus his energies, attempting to put an end to her before it grows too severe, but finds the effort just causes the leak to grow worse, especially as the crack becomes a tear, then a hole, his chest being torn open.

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2010-03-21 04:45 pm UTC (link)
As soon as she can writhe free of his grasp, Sarah dives for Mjolnir, choking and coughing as she does. She knows now, there was nothing under the armor but his energy body. Her hands are blackened, but she forces her fingers to move, closing about the hammer in a pained grip. She can't let him explode - the fallout could be nearly as bad as whatever he had in mind. She begins trying to focus her mind, drawing all the energy she can into Mjolnir and away from Holocaust.

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(no subject) - [info]nextgen_baddie, 2010-03-21 04:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]rogue_star, 2010-03-21 04:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]ng_marauders, 2010-03-21 04:52 pm UTC

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