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Avery Crittenden ([info]word_of_law) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-27 14:11:00

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Entry tags:npc - avery crittenden, sydney ashcroft, zoey ashcroft

Dinner Date
Avery Crittenden did not get nervous on dates with women. He did not worry about what he wore, how he looked, or if it was a good or bad hair night. He didn't get nervous over business dinners when million-dollar deals were on the line, or times when the eyes of the entire gallery were on him, listening to him speak on why this or that argument held water or did not.

He stood outside the Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant early Saturday afternoon and wondered if the sweater and slacks were too conservative for meeting his daughter. Would she pick up on that? Should he have just gone with the polo shirt and jeans? Would that make her think he was a slacker of some kind? 

Would Sydney consider him a bad influence upon her?

Avery took a few deep breaths and smiled ruefully to himself, thinking he should have gone with the polo shirt and jeans.  Ah, well. He hoped Zoey would enjoy spending a little bit of time with him today, and that Sydney would see that he was ready to be an active, supportive parent to their little girl. He knew it was best to take things in slow steps, but he also wanted to let Zoey know he would always be there for her.

So, he waited outside for Sydney to show up with Zoey and fought the urge to call and say he'd be late so he could run home and change.

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2010-02-28 08:50 am UTC (link)
Syd nodded. "She loves pancakes. Waffles too. Breakfast, lunch or dinner anytime you have some free time would be fine. Zoey would love it. You must stop by sometime. I'm sure she'd love to show you her horse."

She smiled. "She beats me all of the time. Good luck. You're going to need it."

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2010-02-28 08:55 am UTC (link)
"I'll stop by. The whole 'horse with wings' thing has me curious, admittedly." he says.

"Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to go take a shot at trying to win a game or two, but let me know when you two need to go and I'll say good night." he smiles. Then he rises and goes to join Zoey for a few games and a chance to bond.

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