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Avery Crittenden ([info]word_of_law) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-27 14:11:00

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Entry tags:npc - avery crittenden, sydney ashcroft, zoey ashcroft

Dinner Date
Avery Crittenden did not get nervous on dates with women. He did not worry about what he wore, how he looked, or if it was a good or bad hair night. He didn't get nervous over business dinners when million-dollar deals were on the line, or times when the eyes of the entire gallery were on him, listening to him speak on why this or that argument held water or did not.

He stood outside the Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant early Saturday afternoon and wondered if the sweater and slacks were too conservative for meeting his daughter. Would she pick up on that? Should he have just gone with the polo shirt and jeans? Would that make her think he was a slacker of some kind? 

Would Sydney consider him a bad influence upon her?

Avery took a few deep breaths and smiled ruefully to himself, thinking he should have gone with the polo shirt and jeans.  Ah, well. He hoped Zoey would enjoy spending a little bit of time with him today, and that Sydney would see that he was ready to be an active, supportive parent to their little girl. He knew it was best to take things in slow steps, but he also wanted to let Zoey know he would always be there for her.

So, he waited outside for Sydney to show up with Zoey and fought the urge to call and say he'd be late so he could run home and change.

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2010-02-28 07:29 am UTC (link)
Avery smiles at Zoey as she skips off to play, then sits down at the table with Sydney.

"Hey, thank you for all of this. I appreciate it." he says. "I also want to get something off my chest before we get down to things."

Avery stops for a moment to organize his thoughts before speaking.

"She's amazing, Sydney. You've done a great job with her. I wanted to say...if I had known at all, I would never have let you do this alone. Please understand, that's not a slight against you at all. I'm simply saying that I would have been there for Zoey, regardless of what happened between you and I.

There are a lot of men out there that won't take responsibility for their children in the beginning, or ignore them once they know them. I'm not either kind of man, Sydney. I just wanted you to know that about me up front, because we never really knew each other." he says.

"Do we discuss where we go from here?" he asks.

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2010-02-28 07:34 am UTC (link)
Syd smiled. "You're welcome. Thank you. I appreciate that. It means a lot."

She nodded. "Yes. We should." Deep breath. "Before we do I do want you to know that I don't intend to keep you from Zoey and her from you. You two need to get to know each other."

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2010-02-28 07:44 am UTC (link)
Avery was glad to hear that Sydney was still willing to work with him. This would save a lot of unnecessary drama if they could reach an accord.

"I would love the chance to get to know her better. I'm already curious about her and she's fun to be around. I'd also like for us to work as a team when it comes to all areas of her life. So, if you've got any special or specific rules, restrictions or things I need to know when I'm around her, I want to make sure I don't go outside of those." he says.

"I do need to ask you a question, though, about the Defenders. For my own peace of mind...you two are safe with them, right?" he asks. Working with superhumans tends to get messy for those who aren't similarly blessed, and Avery wants to know that both of them are taken care of.

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2010-02-28 07:49 am UTC (link)
"I will compose a list of things on the care and feeding of one Miss Zoey Ashcroft," Syd said with a small smile.

"We're safe, Avery. We don't go out on missions and we have an escape plan if something happens at the compound. And we have five godlings, one sorceress and one tech head protecting us. I wouldn't put Zoey anywhere dangerous."

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2010-02-28 07:56 am UTC (link)
"I know you wouldn't. But with the Defenders being public people, someone may not consider five godlings, a sorceress and a tech head a significant deterrent. I don't really want to think about what kind of person would be that crazy, but I have to now.

Still, it seems like you and Zoey trust all of them, so I'm going to let it go at that." he says.

"Meanwhile, I know you're gainfully employed, but if there's anything Zoey needs, I'm more than willing to contribute as well. Is she attending public school? How are her grades?"

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2010-02-28 08:00 am UTC (link)
Syd nodded. "We do. They have sworn to protect us at the cost of their own lives. It's...an Asgardian thing."

Syd shook her head. "Actually Zoey's in private school. I started her there this year. I have the money and she deserves the best. Her grades are excellent." Yes, that was a proud mom talking there.

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2010-02-28 08:13 am UTC (link)
"Good to know." Avery says about the Asgardians.

"I'm glad we agree on private school and her needs." Avery says. He smiles brighter at the mention of her grades being excellent, feeling a bit of paternal pride right there.

"So...that manila envelope you were holding earlier? Should we discuss that next?" he asks.

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2010-02-28 08:21 am UTC (link)
Syd took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes. It's a draft for a custody agreement." She pushed the envelope toward him. "Of course you'll want to read it, but it's basically this: I have her during the week due to not wanting to take her out of school and start another one. You get her on weekends. Holidays we split. Split time during the summer. And any extra time is agreed upon. Neither of us takes her out of LA without notifying the other."

Syd looked at him to try to judge his reaction. "Obviously it's a draft."

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2010-02-28 08:31 am UTC (link)
Avery's face gives no indications of his thoughts on the matter. He's letter his mind work over the matter. Family law is not one of his fields of expertise, but his father knows a good family lawyer that would be willing to consult.

"Well, I don't want to uproot her at all, and the fact that I'm living closer now ought to help with that. I'd need to have someone look at this, but having her during the weekends would actually work well for all of us in the beginning. No disruption to her normal schedule, and I can finish getting myself set up to accommodate her staying over.

I do want to inform you that I go back home to Boston during the summer and for the Christmas Holidays, so we can discuss when she goes where and how those holidays are to be handled. I love Independence Day, though, so I respectfully request being able to have that holiday with her." he says.

"If you'll provide me with your lawyer's name and number, we can let them work out the details and set up paperwork filing. For the time being, do you want to work out having her stay for a weekend in say...a month or so?" he asks.

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2010-02-28 08:40 am UTC (link)
Syd nodded. "The least disruption is best," Syd said. "The details about summer and the holidays can be worked out." Syd didn't like the idea of Zoey going so far away from her.

"A weekend in a month sounds okay. Of course visits between now and then." She opened her purse and pulled out a card and offered it to him. "My lawyer's contact information."

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2010-02-28 08:47 am UTC (link)
"Of course, on the visits. Maybe we can even start with a something simple, like breakfast or lunch on the weekends to test the water and get her used to being around me." he says. "Of course, nothing as big as this. Is she a fan of pancakes?" he asks.

He takes the card with her lawyer's contact information and places it into his wallet for safekeeping. He'll get to work on it as soon as possible, but for now, he'd like to enjoy Sydney's and Zoey's company. He looks around for Zoey and finds her enjoying herself at Skee-ball.

"Okay, she's good. I might actually be in trouble here." he grins.

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2010-02-28 08:50 am UTC (link)
Syd nodded. "She loves pancakes. Waffles too. Breakfast, lunch or dinner anytime you have some free time would be fine. Zoey would love it. You must stop by sometime. I'm sure she'd love to show you her horse."

She smiled. "She beats me all of the time. Good luck. You're going to need it."

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2010-02-28 08:55 am UTC (link)
"I'll stop by. The whole 'horse with wings' thing has me curious, admittedly." he says.

"Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to go take a shot at trying to win a game or two, but let me know when you two need to go and I'll say good night." he smiles. Then he rises and goes to join Zoey for a few games and a chance to bond.

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