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Avery Crittenden ([info]word_of_law) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-27 14:11:00

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Entry tags:npc - avery crittenden, sydney ashcroft, zoey ashcroft

Dinner Date
Avery Crittenden did not get nervous on dates with women. He did not worry about what he wore, how he looked, or if it was a good or bad hair night. He didn't get nervous over business dinners when million-dollar deals were on the line, or times when the eyes of the entire gallery were on him, listening to him speak on why this or that argument held water or did not.

He stood outside the Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant early Saturday afternoon and wondered if the sweater and slacks were too conservative for meeting his daughter. Would she pick up on that? Should he have just gone with the polo shirt and jeans? Would that make her think he was a slacker of some kind? 

Would Sydney consider him a bad influence upon her?

Avery took a few deep breaths and smiled ruefully to himself, thinking he should have gone with the polo shirt and jeans.  Ah, well. He hoped Zoey would enjoy spending a little bit of time with him today, and that Sydney would see that he was ready to be an active, supportive parent to their little girl. He knew it was best to take things in slow steps, but he also wanted to let Zoey know he would always be there for her.

So, he waited outside for Sydney to show up with Zoey and fought the urge to call and say he'd be late so he could run home and change.

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2010-02-28 12:50 am UTC (link)
"Yes, I am. I want you to know that you can call me Avery until you're ready to call me anything else. I just want you to know that I'm going to be here for you." he says.

"No, you don't have any brothers or sisters, but I do. I have an older sister named Aurora. I also have younger brother and sister. They're all adults now, but those are people you'll probably get to know over time." he smiles.

"I used to fence when I was in college, and I have a sword, but I haven't used it in years. And no, I don't have any pets, though I've been thinking about it. What would you suggest a good pet is?" he asks her.

"No, I don't much like chocolate, either. I don't eat many sweets." he says.

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2010-02-28 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Mongolian death worm!" Zoey squealed. "Ohu says they'll make a great pet!"

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2010-02-28 12:52 am UTC (link)
Cue facepalm. "No Mongolian death worms for anyone," Syd said. "They do not make great pets no matter what Ohu says."

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2010-02-28 12:56 am UTC (link)
"Those things are just myths, last I checked." Avery says. Granted, he last checked back in biology in college, but he hadn't heard anything different since then.

"Well, in any case, your mother is right. A Mongolian Death Worm wouldn't make a great pet. What do you think of cats or dogs? Or a bird? Or even a goldfish?" Avery asks.

"Does Ohu often suggest such fantastical pets?" he asks Sydney, curious.

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2010-02-28 12:58 am UTC (link)
"They're all good. We have two dogs, two horses and a tiger!" Zoey giggled. "The dogs chase the tiger and I chase all of them. We play tag. Sort of. They never tag back."

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2010-02-28 01:00 am UTC (link)
"Ohu has a very different opinion of what could be a pet. I've shot down Mongolian death worms, unicorns, aliens, dinosaurs, dragons, and a host of others."

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2010-02-28 01:06 am UTC (link)
"Zoey the Awesome is a tiger-chaser? That's grreat!" Avery says, going for the easy, cheesy joke and thinking that Zoey is just embellishing a bit on her playing with her pets.

"Anyone who suggests a dragon or dinosaur as a pet has an odd sense of humor." Avery said. Sydney has to be joking. The expression on her face says she's now. Could the Defenders really be as...different as the papers say?

"I do have to say the unicorn gets points for originality, though."

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2010-02-28 01:14 am UTC (link)
"Ohu is unique to say the least," Syd mused. She wasn't even going to mention what happens when one of the godlings' parents show up. She still had a nightmare about really big snakes once and awhile.

"It wouldn't be that much more original than the flying horse."

Every time she talked to a normal person she realized how absurd her life sounded.

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2010-02-28 01:15 am UTC (link)
Zoey nodded as she chowed down on a slice of pizza.

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2010-02-28 01:19 am UTC (link)
"Is there really a flying horse, Zoey?" Avery asks. The stories just got more fantastical the longer the conversation went on, and Avery could only blink in surprise at what he was being told.

"Ohu suggests the strange pets. Got it. What does Asleif do?" Avery asks. He's been musing over that particular name since he heard it days ago, trying to figure out why something about it sounds...familiar to him.

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2010-02-28 01:22 am UTC (link)
Zoey nodded vigorously. "He does! His name is Tryggvi and he's really cool! I'm not allowed to ride him without Svalin."

"Asleif is awesome! I want to be like her! She wears all black and she casts spells. She beat Maleficent at Disneyland! Then Ohu woke her up with a kiss like Sleeping Beauty." Zoey giggled. "She and Ohu made it snow at Christmas!"

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2010-02-28 01:29 am UTC (link)
Avery sounded out several of the names that Zoey gave him on his tongue. Ohu's didn't provoke the same familiarity as Asleif's, but Svalin's did. Perhaps it was just an article he'd read about the Defenders.

"Oh, so she's a sorceress? She'd have to be pretty tough to beat Maleficent, though I don't know. I've heard Maleficent uses Eye of Newt in her spells; it's pretty tough to beat anyone who uses Eye of Newt in their spells." he grins.

"And Aslief is the one that can do teleportation?" he inquires.

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2010-02-28 01:31 am UTC (link)
"She is! She's a great sorceress! I want to be like her." Zoey nodded sagely. "Yes. She teleported us to New York when we went. There was snow! And Simon took me and Mom ice skating. It was fun until I broke my arm."

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2010-02-28 01:34 am UTC (link)
"One of the two sorceresses we have," Syd clarified. On top of the beserker, the sheild-maiden, the swashbuckler type, the trickster, the Hollywood star and the tech head. They were an odd bunch.

"A kid pushed her and she fell on the ice," Syd explained. "We were ice skating at Rockefeller Center."

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2010-02-28 01:38 am UTC (link)
"Well, before you get into learning spells and such, it's a good idea to do well in school. I'm sure you've got that covered, though." he says.

One of two, hmm? Noted.

"I'm familiar with Rockefeller Center. I'm terrible with skating, but my younger sister lives in New York and she loves to ice skate. I'm sorry someone pushed you though." he says.

"Is Simon another sorcerer?" Avery asks.

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2010-02-28 01:39 am UTC (link)
Zoey dug back into her pizza.

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2010-02-28 01:42 am UTC (link)
Syd shook her head. "Simon is Simon Williams," Syd explained. "He's an Avenger and a movie star. He helps me ride herd on the kids. I also work with him at Scion Holdings."

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2010-02-28 01:52 am UTC (link)
Avery blinks for a moment.

"You mean..the Simon Williams? As in Wonder Man?" Avery says. Well, it seems that Sydney's pretty well-connected.

"That's interesting." Avery says, taking another bite of breadstick.

"Zoey, do you have any other questions for me, or do you want to play some games?" he asks.

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2010-02-28 01:56 am UTC (link)
Zoey perked up at the mention of games. "Games!" Questions could come later.

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2010-02-28 02:03 am UTC (link)
"Yes, that Simon Williams. Mr. Stark roped him into helping me with the Defenders. Thor roped us both into working for Scion Holdings." Syd shrugged and took a bite of her pizza.

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2010-02-28 06:31 am UTC (link)
"That would explain where Zoey's desire to speak in the ways of old comes from." Avery says. He thinks it's cute, of course.

"Games it is, Awesome One! Ski-ball first?" he asks, getting together some tokens to start them off.

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2010-02-28 06:33 am UTC (link)
"Aye, verily." Syd smiled. "Four of the Defenders are Asgardians."

"You two go have some fun. I'll stay here and eat some more pizza if you don't mind."

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2010-02-28 06:35 am UTC (link)
"I love Skee-ball!" Zoey quickly finished off the remainder of her slice and took a quick drink. "I'm ready!"

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2010-02-28 07:01 am UTC (link)
"Then follow me, young lady. This way to the skee-ball!" Avery said, offering a hand for Zoey to take.

"Your mom wants to hang out with the pizza, so we'll come back and check on her shortly." he says.

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2010-02-28 07:11 am UTC (link)
"Yay!" She took the offered hand and jumped down off the seat. "I bet I can beat you!"

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(no subject) - [info]word_of_law, 2010-02-28 07:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]team_mascot, 2010-02-28 07:19 am UTC

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