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pop_trash_hero ([info]pop_trash_hero) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-22 16:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - grace danvers, npc - wonder man, sydney ashcroft

The tide is coming in, and the shadow of the cliff has been slowly retreating from Syd's sleeping form. Simon hasn't wanted to rest. He could use years more of that and a thousand year of this...waves, rocks, a sun rising and her cradled lightly in his arms and pulling in close for warmth. He knew giving in wasn't going to cure him. Being with Syd was only going to make everything he was feeling for her more intense and complicated.

Simon was good at reading his partners, and there were answers he was finally able to extract from Sydney. Some women that had terrific minds turned into sex kittens when they had a chance to relax. Syd wasn't, and that had surprised him. She was still all brains, even in bed. She used that mind to create an intense and extremely focused sensuality and targeted physical awareness. Of course he wasn't her type. Whether she knew it or not, she needed someone with just as much mental stamina as physical endurance. Her memory was almost a guarantee she'd be able to read a man's body like one of her books; lingering over the good parts while skimming through any set up, and God help you if you were boring. It was probably the reason she wasn't all that experienced (at least not recently), but frankly, most men were not going to be able to handle her.

He kept pushing the "what now?" question out of his mind. By this point, most women wanted him to shower and then lock the door behind him as he left. He was a few hours into this reverie when his watch made up his mind for him, specifically, the alert that Swarm is in the Galleria...again When do Nazi bees ever die?

He takes enough time to float slowly up the side of the cliff to Syd's room to settle her into bed. He smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead goodbye before taking off to be a big damn hero.

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2010-02-24 10:21 am UTC (link)
"I know. You like Dewayne's movies. Nice guy." See, Syd. He does pay attention.

This is...nice. Even when she hits the family note.

"Eric is the one I was born with." He says that like there's roadkill in his mouth. "You've probably seen the file. Victor and Vision are..." He breathes out. "Long stories. Victor is the one in Mexico City."

"I'm the only straight man I know who admits to liking purple while sober. You?"

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2010-02-24 10:29 am UTC (link)
She turned red. Her fangirl love of Dwayne and his movies was no state secret, but it was still a little embarrassing. "Though my all time favorite movies are Indiana Jones movies. I was studying to be an archeologist before I dropped out."

"I have and I'm sorry."

"I hate shopping for clothes and I let my sister dress me up like a Barbie doll. She's always called me her favorite Barbie doll."

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2010-02-24 10:38 am UTC (link)
"For what?" He asks. "It's your job to read those."

"I can't pick a favorite movie," he admits. "You know about the cartoons though." He leans his head back. "I never got to see movies much as a child. No cartoons. I think I'm making up for lost time."

"I'm a professional Ken doll," he jokes, holding her a bit closer. "I'm sure you've noticed."

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2010-02-24 10:51 am UTC (link)
"I'm not sorry for reading them, I'm sorry that you don't get along well with your siblings."

She smiled against his chest. "I was more interested in books and reading than movies or tv. Except for Indy. Zoey made me start watching things."

She chuckled. "Don't say that around my sister. She'll try to dress you up too." She looked up at him. "I like the way you dress, but I think I like you when you're in sweats or jeans and a tee." Yes, she really liked the simple things.

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2010-02-24 11:03 am UTC (link)
"Vision's wrath I earned," he admits sadly. "Eric...He's always been damaged. I just couldn't see it when I was younger. If I had though, I wouldn't be here."

"Reading...I wasn't diagnosed in prep school. It was only later when I was with the Avengers. Wanda noticed." Wanda is still not a fun subject. "At least there was a name for why everything got jumbled up."

"Oh," he chuckles, creating a low rumble in his chest. "She can stand in line. Jan Van Dyne is an old friend." His hand weaves back through her hair. "Really? Duly noted."

He pulls back to look at her. "Anything else you want to know or want me to know?"

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2010-02-24 11:11 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry," she said not being able to help herself. "I've always had a good relationship with Bryn. Sure we fought and tormented each other, but it didn't create any bad blood. We used to do some pretty horrible things to each other."

"I couldn't get enough books, still can't. I started reading at three. My memory has always been there and learning to read was easy. Once I started, the rest was history. I always wanted books instead of toys and all I wanted to do was go to museums and my parents indulged me."

"Really," she said as she smiled up at him. Probably because it's how I see you the most and to me you're just a normal guy. Though my definition of what's normal is pretty not-normal."

She tilted her head. "You gave me my fantasy last night. What's yours?"

"I would eat Thai food everyday if I could get away with it."

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2010-02-24 11:23 am UTC (link)
"Oh, this sounds like I need extra butter popcorn!" It's all novel to him. Eric would beat the shit out of him, then beat up anyone trying to get to him, only to have Eric make him do things for his friends. Normal siblings in Simon's world would be exotic.

"Hero-normal. You get used to it."

He kisses her wholly on the lips, lifting her up as he does so.

"It's in two parts - and burgers. When I came back from the dead I ran for Whitecastle and Carl's Jr. Movie popcorn is another weakness, but you've seen that machine in my room. I am also the king of root beer floats." He shakes his head. "All kid stuff I get to enjoy now."

Let's see how she deals with the "not normal" thing first.

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2010-02-24 11:33 am UTC (link)
Syd returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh there's the usual putting stuff in her shampoo to turn her hair blue, renting out closet space to her for her clothes, conning her into doing my chores for me, and other things. As long as their was no blood and no permanent damage, we were okay. She got me back by threatening my Indy DVDs, hiding my books, and other things. We were complete opposites and yet we worked. Still do." Syd still sent Bryn money. Aspiring actresses usually didn't make much money.

She only blinked at coming back from the dead. Another testament to how weird and abnormal her life was now. Given what she had seen in the last year, nothing much came as a shock anymore.

"Movie night. You, me, lots of food that's completely bad for us and those Muppet DVDs you have."

She would let the question about his fantasy go for now. It's not like she would forget about later.

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2010-02-24 11:44 am UTC (link)
Nor would he expect her to.

"My place?" he jokes. "I can't guarantee your clothes will stay on, but the calories will burn themselves off." Right now he's tempted to fly her back to his room, but this is Syd's call.

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2010-02-24 11:46 am UTC (link)
"Only if I can get my sister to watch Zoey. I love the team, but them babysitting? Not in my lifetime." The thought of Ohu watching Zoey still made her shudder.

She kissed him.

"I'm glad Grace is staying. You deserve to get to know her."

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2010-02-24 11:58 am UTC (link)
He smiles a little. "I mean here, Syd." He holds up a finger. "Clarification. This -" he points to the ground. "This is home. The condo is for keeping business, and business entertainment, away from Zoey, the Defenders and especially you -" His smile widens. "Because I had no prayer with you until about 36 hours ago. Now that I do -" He tilts his head. "I'd like you to be with me at my home. If it's too much, I get that."

"The day has been just full of miracles."

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2010-02-24 06:38 pm UTC (link)
"Point taken," she said. "I understand." She smiled. "This is home to me too. A wonderful chaotic, completely insane and should be designated as a mental institution place, but home nonetheless."

She placed a very soft kiss on the tip of his nose. "It's not too much. I want to be with you for as long as it lasts."


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