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pop_trash_hero ([info]pop_trash_hero) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-22 16:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - grace danvers, npc - wonder man, sydney ashcroft

The tide is coming in, and the shadow of the cliff has been slowly retreating from Syd's sleeping form. Simon hasn't wanted to rest. He could use years more of that and a thousand year of this...waves, rocks, a sun rising and her cradled lightly in his arms and pulling in close for warmth. He knew giving in wasn't going to cure him. Being with Syd was only going to make everything he was feeling for her more intense and complicated.

Simon was good at reading his partners, and there were answers he was finally able to extract from Sydney. Some women that had terrific minds turned into sex kittens when they had a chance to relax. Syd wasn't, and that had surprised him. She was still all brains, even in bed. She used that mind to create an intense and extremely focused sensuality and targeted physical awareness. Of course he wasn't her type. Whether she knew it or not, she needed someone with just as much mental stamina as physical endurance. Her memory was almost a guarantee she'd be able to read a man's body like one of her books; lingering over the good parts while skimming through any set up, and God help you if you were boring. It was probably the reason she wasn't all that experienced (at least not recently), but frankly, most men were not going to be able to handle her.

He kept pushing the "what now?" question out of his mind. By this point, most women wanted him to shower and then lock the door behind him as he left. He was a few hours into this reverie when his watch made up his mind for him, specifically, the alert that Swarm is in the Galleria...again When do Nazi bees ever die?

He takes enough time to float slowly up the side of the cliff to Syd's room to settle her into bed. He smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead goodbye before taking off to be a big damn hero.

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2010-02-22 11:55 pm UTC (link)
Syd stirred a bit when he put her in her bed and kissed her goodbye, but she wouldn't fully wake up until a couple of hours later when her bed was invaded by two dogs, a tiger and a six-year-old. Definitely not her choice of methods to be woke up by. Her bed being used as a stand in for a trampoline was definitely low on the list.

She booted animals and kids out of the bed so she could get up and stumble to the shower. Instead of getting up like she had planned, she laid there and stared up at the ceiling. Her head pounded from the mead and she made a mental note to never drink that much again, if ever. She was just a mere mortal after all.

She was not surprised in the least to wake up in her bed alone. The night had been nice wonderful and the sex had been mind-blowing and earth-shattering, or it just had been /that/ long she last had it, but Syd hadn't expected anything to last past dawn.

She stretched and felt the coarse sand between her and the sheet. She smiled lazily. If she only got one time with Simon, damn it had been worth it.

Right. Shower. Strong coffee. Maybe some food and then back to reality. She sighed. It had been a great fantasy while it lasted.

She climbed out of bed, pulled on a robe and headed for the kitchen. Coffee first and then the rest.

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2010-02-23 12:39 am UTC (link)
Carol touched down outside of Defenders Compound. She was here for one purpose-to get Grace and bring her back home, even if she had to drag her there. She wasn't happy with her daughter at all for the little stunt she pulled, taking off like that. Also, if Grace stayed there any longer, Simon might start to piece things together. Which Carol couldn't have happening. Composing herself, Carol knocked on the door. While Grace could be stubborn, hopefully she'd come with her quietly and not cause a scene.

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2010-02-23 12:44 am UTC (link)
Oh now what? Syd hadn't even made it to the bloody kitchen yet. If that was Avery at the door it was not going to be pretty. She was exhausted, hungover and her man problems just got a hell of a lot more complicated.

Scowling, she opened the door. "Can I help you?" she asked the gorgeous blond. Great. One of Simon's flings coming here and looking for him.

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2010-02-23 12:49 am UTC (link)
Carol resisted to roll her eyes at the woman. Probably some fling of Simon's, no doubt, having her way about the place until he sent her home, never to be seen from again. "I'm looking for Grace Danvers," she said, her tone surprisingly calm how annoyed she was. "Is she here?"

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2010-02-23 12:58 am UTC (link)
Syd blinked a few times. The words eventually made their way into her hurting head. Grace. Right. Oh...gods. Her eyes went wide.

"Ms. Danvers?" she asked. Oh this is /just/ what she needed this morning. She was tired, hungover and there was still sand in places she didn't want to think about.

"Please, come in. Grace is probably still in bed."

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2010-02-23 01:04 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Carol replied cooly, stepping into the doorway. "Are you a member of the Defenders as well?" Though she seriously doubted that. But she might as well at least have some idea of who her daughter has been staying with this time.

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2010-02-23 01:09 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry. I apologize for my lack of manners. I'm Sydney Ashcroft. Team mom and the one who handles the daily chaos. It was a long night and too much Asgardian mead. Would you like a cup of coffee while I go get Grace?"

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2010-02-23 01:14 am UTC (link)
Carol actually let out a small chuckle. "Everyone's had a couple of those, maybe not with Asgardian mead, but probably something almost as strong." A small smile. "And that would nice, thank you."

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2010-02-23 01:16 am UTC (link)
"Kitchen is this way," Syd said with a motion of her hand. There was a disturbance at the end of the hall. A moment later the tiger came charging down the hall with the two dogs running after him. After them came Zoey giggling like crazy.

"Hi mom!" Zoey giggled as she ran by.

Syd just shook her head and started for the kitchen.

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2010-02-23 01:18 am UTC (link)
The tiger getting chased by the dogs is enough to get Carol to raise an eyebrow. "Your daughter?" She asked Syd as she followed her into the kitchen. "She's cute."

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2010-02-23 01:20 am UTC (link)
"Yes," Syd answered as she entered the kitchen. Sarah had been up and busy. Syd could smell cinnamon lingering in the air. "Thanks." She grabbed two mugs and the coffeepot. "I'm guessing there's cinnamon rolls or the like. Would you like some?" she asked as she filled the mugs.

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2010-02-23 01:22 am UTC (link)
Carol shook her head. She was here to get her daughter back, not have breakfast. "No thank you. Just coffee, please."

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2010-02-23 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Cream and sugar?" Syd asked as she took a sip. This morning was definitely a black coffee kind of day.

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2010-02-23 01:27 am UTC (link)
"No thank you. Black is fine."

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2010-02-23 01:31 am UTC (link)
"Right. I'll go get Grace," she said and left the kitchen. She called Simon on the way to Grace's room.

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2010-02-23 01:34 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," Carol gave her a small smile before sipping her coffee.

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