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pop_trash_hero ([info]pop_trash_hero) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Oh, this sounds like I need extra butter popcorn!" It's all novel to him. Eric would beat the shit out of him, then beat up anyone trying to get to him, only to have Eric make him do things for his friends. Normal siblings in Simon's world would be exotic.

"Hero-normal. You get used to it."

He kisses her wholly on the lips, lifting her up as he does so.

"It's in two parts - and burgers. When I came back from the dead I ran for Whitecastle and Carl's Jr. Movie popcorn is another weakness, but you've seen that machine in my room. I am also the king of root beer floats." He shakes his head. "All kid stuff I get to enjoy now."

Let's see how she deals with the "not normal" thing first.

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