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Grace Danvers ([info]shessomarvelous) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-20 01:58:00

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Entry tags:inactive - grace danvers, npc - wonder man, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders

The results are in
Takes place shortly after this post

Grace had been staying with the Defenders for a couple of weeks now. She'd called her mom shortly after Simon said that he'd do any tests that she'd like. Needless to say, Carol wasn't happy with her daughter when she first called. Not all. Granted, Grace still wasn't too happy with her mother for keeping her father a secret all these years. The anger vanished a little, though, as spending time with Zoey and the rest of the Defenders almost made her forget how mad she was at her mom. Almost.

Earlier that morning, Grace got the phone call from the lab saying that the results of the paternity test were in. Butterflies in her stomach, Grace took a cab there, and got the envelope with the results before heading back to the Defenders Compound.

Her heart was beating a million miles a minute as she looked for Simon. She didn't want to open the envelope until she found him.

He had to be her father. He just had to.

Stopping at his bedroom door, Grace inhaled and knocked. "Simon? It's Grace. Are you there?" Her voice shook a little.

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2010-02-21 10:13 am UTC (link)
The smile is slow and large. He can be one of the best moments in her memory, and if he manages this she'll be a bright spot in his eternity.

He lowers her to her feet, drawing out the process, making every second a chance to slowly move his fingertips and mouth across the exposed skin of her arms, neck, and shoulders. He tickles her arms as he detaches them from his body with great reluctance as he steps back, his eyes committing her to memory and a plan of attack.

"Then," he says. "Run. The scene starts with running."

The shadow of the cliff cools his back. This is going to be the death of him, but she needs never to know that.

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