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StrongBox ([info]strongbox) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-12 15:25:00

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Entry tags:holiday, inactive - mystic, jordan bochs

Valentine's Day
Jordan has helped provide the means for everyone else's Valentine's Day - dinner for Mason and Marrina, private picnic for Mel and Alex, and exclusive dinner reservations for their new leadership couple.

Emily, when she next goes into her room, will find a note taped to her computer instructing her to be ready for a night out, and to dress nice. If she doesn't have anything nice, she's to let him know and arrangements will be made.

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2010-02-13 07:32 am UTC (link)
Emily scratches her head in confusion, but she's willing to play along.

An hour later, she's ready, wearing a little black dress -- something every woman needs in her wardrobe.

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2010-02-13 07:41 am UTC (link)
He's dressed to the nines himself, when he shows up at her quarters. "I hope you don't mind the short notice, arrangements were a little bit of a trick. But we have a short flight to catch, then dinner at the Custom House in Chicago, hence the nice dress, and a VIP box at the Young Veins show." Most of the delay, really, hadn't come from the flight or restaurant, those were easy. It was surveying what she listened to, finding a lot of repetition of Panic at the Disco, then finding out they'd disbanded two years ago... but half the band had formed a new group - hence the Young Veins concert.
"Backstage passes and an autographed guitar are included. That, or if its too much trouble, we could skip it. There's a monster truck rally in Calgary, or women's mud wrestling. I know you're a fan."

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2010-02-13 07:46 am UTC (link)
She gapes. "Omigod. That is so cool!" She throws her arms around Jordan. "Thank you so much!"

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2010-02-13 07:58 am UTC (link)
He returns the hug with a grin. "I was hoping you'd like it. I wasn't sure what to get you... so I figured I'd get me a present instead and get to see you all dressed up."

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2010-02-13 08:01 am UTC (link)
She smirks. "You don't look so bad yourself," she replies with a light laugh. "So we've got a plane ride?"

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2010-02-13 08:39 am UTC (link)
"We do. The show is in Chicago, as is dinner. I pulled a couple strings to help us breeze through customs, and got permission to use the Alpha Flier on personal business. Long as you don't mind my piloting? Rest of the night is all limousines."

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2010-02-13 04:38 pm UTC (link)
"I think I can live with that," she replies. She gives a disbelieving shake of her head, and mutters, "wow..."

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2010-02-13 04:42 pm UTC (link)
He grins at that. "Hey, unless I completely misinterpreted the signals, you're dating me now. You'd best get used to the occasional surprise."

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2010-02-13 04:44 pm UTC (link)
She leans forward and wraps her arms around his neck. "I think I can live with that, too." She leans in to give him a kiss.

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2010-02-13 04:48 pm UTC (link)
He returns the kiss, gladly.

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2010-02-13 04:50 pm UTC (link)
She breaks the kiss, a little reluctantly, and smiles to him. "Let's get going."

She almost can hear her mom in the back of her mind, freaking out about traveling to the United States with a boy for the evening. She shoves the thought back with a wide grin, and follows him towards the hangar.

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2010-02-13 04:55 pm UTC (link)
He heads off with her, offering an arm and talking as he takes her to the jet hangar. He still loves that they have their own jet.
"Oh, there was one other thing. Since the show goes so late, we have 4-star hotel reservations. We have two rooms... but we can share a room if you prefer?" Touching on the question a little delicately, but he's not exactly shy either.

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2010-02-13 04:58 pm UTC (link)
She just about hears her mom scream bloody murder. She's almost tempted just to text her and then turn the phone off -- but knowing her mom, she might even fly to New York just to disrupt things.

Better to torture her with this news later.

She grins at him. "Let's see how the night goes, and we'll go from there."

She's pretty sure she knows exactly where this night is going. But she doesn't want to schedule anything.

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2010-02-13 05:01 pm UTC (link)
He's perfectly ok with that answer. If he was in a rush, he wouldn't have waited a month and a half to bring it up - but he doesn't want to ruin things. This girl, he definitely likes.

He offers her a hand up into the co-pilot's seat in the Alpha Flier. "Alright, get buckled in. This ought to be a fun ride, but the flight plans are all registered."

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2010-02-13 05:20 pm UTC (link)
She buckles in as requested. "Where'd you learn to fly, anyway?" she asks.

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2010-02-13 05:22 pm UTC (link)
"Flight sims and lessons. I got my license a little before I joined Alpha Flight. I had mostly intended to try some stunt flying, because it looked fun, but this is more practical."

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2010-02-13 05:26 pm UTC (link)
"The thought never occurred to me to get a pilot's license," Emily admits. "What made you want to?"

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2010-02-13 05:42 pm UTC (link)
"Learning to hang glide, which came from helicopter skiiing and hydroplane water skiing. I've been kind of into the whole extreme sports thing for a few years now."

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2010-02-13 05:43 pm UTC (link)
She blinks. "Wow. My mom would have killed me if I'd tried anything like that."

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2010-02-13 05:50 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, that's your mom though. You're Alpha Flight now. If you're interested, we can go skiing or snowboarding or something some time, at least. Or get you your scuba or glider certification... we can call it field training and use the team budget on the lessons?"

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2010-02-13 06:03 pm UTC (link)
She smiles. "Sounds like a plan," she replies. "I'd love to learn to fly, too. But we can start with gliding."

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2010-02-13 06:06 pm UTC (link)
"Why waste a teachable moment. There's a headset to your right, and you're in the co-pilot's chair. Put your headset on, and let's give you your first flying lesson on the way."

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2010-02-13 06:30 pm UTC (link)
She eagerly grabs the headset and pops it on her head.

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2010-02-13 06:34 pm UTC (link)
He starts going over the instruments, repeating himself and answering questions as necessary. Flying is not something to screw around with, and he wants to make sure she knows this stuff.

"Ok, takeoff and landing are the two hardest parts. I've already laid our course in, and they'd prefer at the Chicago airport that a licensed pilot handle the landing... so I'm going to let you handle takeoff, if you think you've got all that? Start by checking clearance, and taxiing us out of the hangar and onto strip #4."

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2010-02-16 03:43 pm UTC (link)
Emily follows his instructions to the letter, her fear and excitement feeding into each other.

Once they've taken off, she grins at him. "How was that?"

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2010-02-16 08:46 pm UTC (link)
"Perfect. You've already gotten the second hardest part down. I'll do the landing, but I'll give you step by step narration while I'm doing it. Up here, we only need to make occasional adjustments once the course is laid in." He continues showing her the instruments used, and going through a basic piloting lesson.

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