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designergene ([info]designergene) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Her emotions were rising and his hands began to glow brightly. Enteinne was on his knees again, shoving his hands into the water to try and dispel the power running through him. It felt like the feelings that always came up whenever she had one of her bad dreams about the flood. Five years of them and he knew those feelings when she had them.

He shook his head violently and concentrated on pushing the emotions out of him and into the water, which churned and bubbled with the explosions beneath the surface. "Peanut, I know 'bout Katrina. Ya dun need ta tell me all de details. I understand. Okay?"

His voice was a bit desperate, he always had issues being around her when she had those dreams. Holding back the power that wanted to get out when he had to calm her down was always the most difficult. Usually he could hold out until she calmed down and the charge subsided naturally. But after their time in that amusement park, after that deep well of vengence denied that torn through his body, he'd been having a much harder timed even with charge strength he was familiar with. It was part of why he'd been staying at the house more often since then, instead of following Alisa to work. He couldn't handle large levels of unfiltered emotions as well anymore. And it scared him that he could hurt his sister because of it.

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