Enteinne knew she was home long before she announced it at the door. He could feel his sister's giddiness and happiness flowing in aether between them to come over and squeeze his heart. He didn't know what caused it, but he knew it wasn't a machine or friends or even him, her own brother. He had his suspicions based on that and it hurt.
He'd done his best to take care of her. To make her happy and keep her safe. And she'd never been this... He didn't want to keep feeling her emotions, the false joy they made him feel, but the only way to rid himself of them was to burn them out. Blow something up. He shouldn't be forced to feel her happiness when all it did was make a mockery of the aching in his heart.
Enteinne ran the water in the bathtub. It was half full when Alisa opened the door and called out to him. He didn't call back, but the burbling of explosions muffled only superficially by water would tell her where he was. He could blow up a little bit of the liquid at a time. A slow burning away of her giddiness, her joy as it washed over his senses.
He was probably a bad person for wanting to feel the anger at her happiness just because he hadn't been the one to give it. Hadn't he the right, though? He'd sacrificed everything all his life and she found joy with others. Probably that Nick fellow. He gave her a job and access to real bike parts and everything that could start her in on a better life. Everything Enteinne couldn't give her.
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