Home again, home again...
Alisa had a magical night. She was able to reveal a secret that plagued her mind for the past five years, in doing so it felt like the world had lifted from her shoulders. She also got to spend Valentine's Day with Argo, who said he was happy to have spent time with her... and saw her as a friend. He was everything she imagined. he was most kind to her, did not force her to do anything she did not wish to do, held her hand, and he kissed her... he kissed her!
Her face was still a bright red, and she was humming happily as she placed her key into the front door of the home she shared with Ennie. After opening the door, she shut it behind her and re-locked it. This was the happiest night of her life. For once, she felt beautiful and worthy.
"Ennie... a-ah'm home..."
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