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nightingalesong ([info]nightingalesong) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He moves her school bag out of the corner chair and sits gingerly. "Besides school and being a superhero?" He shrugs. "I don't think I've had a chance to tell you how Haiti was. It was pretty horrible. By day, I was a part of search parties, or helping administrate relief efforts, and by night, I was going around and stopping any gangs." He shakes his head. "It astounded me, really."

He pauses, for a moment second-guessing himself as to whether or not the topic is an appropriate one, then realizing that Sammy carries guns with her to class and this conversation would be akin to dinner conversation when Sammy was growing up. By then, his pause had grown too long to continue the topic, so he forges ahead. "...and you?"

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