Things Are Falling Out of The Sky (open to Defenders)
The first thing that registered in Quinn's mind was that he was falling. The second was that the ground was coming up REALLY fast. Third was that it was going to be very painful. He tried slowing his descent, but there hadn't been that much air space left. He hit the ground with a loud thud and a groan.
By the Vishanti that hurt.
Moving was not an option at the moment. His whole body hurt. He was going to stay there on the nice comfy grass. Yup, nice comfy grass. Nice and soft and cool. The air was nice and warm and the sun was bright.
He did raise his head and look around a bit. Where was he? He saw a very large mansion and could smell the salt in the air. He had to be near an ocean, but which one? More importantly how did he get here?
And why the hell was he naked?
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