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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-04 18:26:00

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Entry tags:inactive - addy baxter, ryan spector

An Intresting Meeting

Ryan was waiting in the lobby of the natural history museum right in front of the ticket area. He had only gotten back to earth a few hours ago and was still hurting from his fight. He had cracked a rib and a massive headache in addition to being exhausted and sore being all over. But that’s what the pain killers he had taken were for.

He hadn’t even noticed the cracked rib at the time must have been the adrenaline rush or something but that really didn’t matter right now. He knew that he probably should be in bed resting right now but he had to know why the hot girl from his world lit class was doing on the Empresses ship. When they had landed at the Avengers he had gotten a note asking her to meet him here around this time. But for now he was resting against a wall waiting for her to get there.

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2010-02-05 03:13 am UTC (link)
“It’s nice to meet you Addy,” says Ryan as he finishes shaking her hand. Gesturing towards the entrance to the main part of the museum Ryan says, “So if you want we can continue the rest of our conversation walking around the museum.”

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2010-02-07 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Sounds good." Addy said and followed Ryan's lead.

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2010-02-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
It hurt for Ryan to walk but he didn’t show it as he headed over to the entrance and waved to the staff to let them through. There were some good things about being the son of the head of the Egyptology department and the major donor to the museum.

“So do you want to start asking questions first or should I,” asked Ryan.

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2010-02-08 01:50 pm UTC (link)
"Well first, what about paying?" she asked as she followed him.

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2010-02-08 07:48 pm UTC (link)
“Don’t worry about it, my mom works here so I can come in for free and bring in a guest,” Ryan explains as the enter the human origins hall.

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2010-02-09 12:06 am UTC (link)
"Oh cool." she said smiling. It had been years since she had been in the museum. "All they need to do is add mutants and they will have it right."

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2010-02-09 01:55 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah, but due to all the mutant controversy of late it might take some time from them to do that,” Ryan explains.

Now lowering his voice Ryan asks, “So would it be safe to guess that you do some crime fighting?”

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2010-02-09 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Addy was shocked that Ryan would say something like that, something that had a little truth to it. “I don’t do much. I’m not my mother.” She said cautiously. “But I do what I can. How about you? A caped crusader?”

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2010-02-09 10:28 pm UTC (link)
“The only reason why I asked was that seemed to be who the crazy lady was kidnapping,” says Ryan as they wander into the hall of gems.

“I do little myself but my dad did actually wear a cape while fighting crime,” said Ryan, “Though somehow I did become a reserve member of the Avengers. If you want I could introduce you to them?”

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2010-02-09 11:24 pm UTC (link)

“I’m not sure. My family is a bit…. Well, let’s just say I don’t want to get into anything.” Addy said thinking of the fact that her dad was Mad Dog, and her mom was Hellcat. And with a group of hero’s it did make you look bad with a villain father. “I just have to ask who your dad is. My curious nature.”

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2010-02-10 12:00 am UTC (link)
“I’ll tell you mine but you have to tell me who your mom is ok,” says Ryan,”I don’t care for real names but the hero name would be neat to hear.” This was a trust thing for him if he was giving out information like that he wanted to be sure the person could be trusted.

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2010-02-10 12:13 am UTC (link)
“Well my mom was an Avenger. You know Hellcat right?” she asked looking over at him. She hated when she told people that bit of information, she hated being compared to her.

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2010-02-10 12:20 am UTC (link)
“Thanks for sharing that with me, my dad’s Moon Knight, typically I don’t like to share that with people because I hate how that make people start to compare me to him,” says Ryan as the walk into the Butterfly Conservatory.

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2010-02-10 12:30 am UTC (link)
“Me too!” Addy said before quieting down and enjoying the butterflies. They were delicate, and beautiful, and just peaceful.

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2010-02-10 12:39 am UTC (link)
“Well that’s nice to hear I swear almost all of the kids at the Avengers all want to be just like Mommy and Daddy. It drives me crazy. I’ll tell you what you are definitely welcome to come by the manor any time I’m there and use the faculties. I’d be nice to have another normal person there some times,” says Ryan attempting to contain his excitement as not to scare the other people and the butterflies. Those painkillers were definitely doing their magic now.

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2010-02-10 12:47 am UTC (link)
“I don’t want to be either of my parents.” She muttered to herself before turning and smiling at Ryan. “That could be nice.” She said happily.

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2010-02-10 12:53 am UTC (link)
“Well let me know whenever you want to come by, I’m sure if you say you’re a young hero looking for help and a safe place train they’ll let you come by whenever you like,” says Ryan, “After I get a chance to sleep I know I’m going by to use the hot tub.”

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2010-02-10 10:26 pm UTC (link)
“I have a place to stay, and I train at the gym I work at. I mean all I need is a kick bag and a sparring partner. But thanks for the offer.” Addy said smiling. From what she knew about the past and current avengers, they were good people to know. But Addy was always unsure when it came to people knowing about her dad. So she kept training to herself at the gym. If she needed more privacy she had the kick bag in the apartment.

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2010-02-10 10:38 pm UTC (link)
“Ok then,” say Ryan a little disappointed, “Well you’re welcome to stop by if you want too and if you ever want to talk I’ll see you in world lit.” Ryan wasn’t going to push it, he knew some people didn’t like working with teams and he even liked working alone himself a lot.

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2010-02-11 09:06 pm UTC (link)
"That would be nice." she said giving him a small smile. "And you can always stop by my place. It's just a matter of Mouse liking you or not."

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2010-02-11 11:05 pm UTC (link)
“That would be nice,” said Ryan returning the smile, “So who is Mouse exactly?” They were now heading towards the dinosaurs.

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2010-02-11 11:16 pm UTC (link)
"My puppy. Well, he's not a puppy anymore." Addy said with a laugh. "He is an english mastif. Big dog."

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2010-02-11 11:45 pm UTC (link)
“Cool I love dogs,” says Ryan very enthusiastically, “Mom never let me get one. She always said the apartment was too small.”

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2010-02-11 11:56 pm UTC (link)
“Oh the apartment is way too small.” Addy said rolling her eyes. “But he’s my boy.” She said her smile growing. “You should come for a walk with us one afternoon if you have the time.” Addy was a bit nervous in asking Ryan to join her. He was sweet, and they had so much in common, she wanted to learn more about him.

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2010-02-12 12:06 am UTC (link)
“Sure I’d love too, I sound like a lot of fun,” said Ryan. It was really nice to have someone to talk to about all this type of stuff and it didn’t hurt that she was really cute too.

“So where do you typically take mouse for his walks,” asked Ryan.

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2010-02-12 12:14 am UTC (link)
“The park where else? I always take him to the Balto statue.” Addy said happy that he wanted to join her and mouse.

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2010-02-12 12:23 am UTC (link)
When Addy mentioned the Balto statue all he could think about was the cartoon movie Balto. Managing put together some words Ryan said, “That a really nice area to walk around in.”

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2010-02-14 01:51 am UTC (link)
Addy smiled and pulled a pen out of her bag. She grabed Ryan's arm and jotted down her phone number. "Give me a call when you find the time. Or if you need help with class." she said surprising herself with her forwardness.

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2010-02-14 02:04 am UTC (link)
Looking at the number she had just written on his hand Ryan gave a smile. He liked it when a woman was forward like this. “I’ll definitely give you a call,” said Ryan happily, now he just had to figure out when an appropriate time to call was.

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2010-02-14 02:22 am UTC (link)
"Alright." Addy said as her smile grew. "I had a great time today." and she put her scarf back on as they headed to the front doors.

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