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Sister Voodoo ([info]aerosmithette) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-25 21:58:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - james romanov rogers, team - avengers

Ding Dong!
There was somebody waiting to be let in.  She stood with her hands on her hips and one foot stepping out.  Akilah had come to join the Avengers, since she didn't feel like she had any reason to stay at home in Wakanda any longer.

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2010-01-28 12:59 am UTC (link)
And here's Steve, coming to investigate what sounds like a party in full swing by this point.

"See we've got company," he said.

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2010-01-28 02:31 am UTC (link)
To Vernique first, Akilah said, "This was made by the woman who cared for me before I was officially accepted as Princess of Wakanda."

Next, she turned to James. She examined his facial expression and took a step closer to him. "What is wrong?" She just knew something was up with him. But her attention was split again when Steve showed up, and Akilah introduced herself once again.

"I am Akilah Munroe."

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2010-01-28 02:34 am UTC (link)
"I was thinking of my brother Azari. He was the son of The King and The Goddess. It's nice to meet you, Akilah. I'm James Romanov-Rogers."

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2010-01-28 01:19 pm UTC (link)
"James...isn't from around here," Charlie said. Explaining that someone was from a different dimension was difficult to do sometimes.

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2010-01-29 12:55 am UTC (link)
"Pleasure," Steve replied. "I'm Steve Barton."

He turned thoughtful. "Munroe... Munroe... where have I heard that name in our little circle before?"

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2010-01-29 03:50 am UTC (link)
"Well, she's fantastic; it looks nice."

Vernique rolled her eyes at Steve. "So, are you a mutant?"

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2010-01-30 07:28 pm UTC (link)
Akilah raised a brow at the name 'Azari'. She'd heard it thrown around by her parents when the prophecy was made about their next child. "Brother?" she questioned.

She turned her head to Charlie, understanding what he meant. She knew James was not from Wakanda, and her next sibling had not been born yet. And the only reason she could see a white boy claiming to be the brother of her possible future sibling was some sort of alternate dimension where Wakanda was filled with white people.

Steve got her attention next, and she nodded her head to him. "Pleased to meet you, Steve Barton."

Then her head turned to Vernique. "No, I am not a mutant. I'm aware that some Americans might call me an 'Arcane Warrior'." She was, of course, referring to the geeks on MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft and the like. She'd read a book about the craze and how some people had died from playing the game too long without eating and living in a disgusting environment..

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2010-01-31 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Tony raised us after all of our parents were killed. Me, Azari, Torunn, and Pym. We didn't meet Hawkeye until later. We were the kids of the Avengers and like the Avengers, we were a family."

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2010-01-31 04:10 am UTC (link)
"You guys had a Hawkeye?" Steve asked. "Man, I have got to read the files more often."

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2010-01-31 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. Francis. We met him when we got to Ultra City. Guess he'd be your brother."

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