Battle on the High Seas (of Canada)
When last we left our heroes, the hordes of Atlantis were heading straight for Canada, ready to enact great vengeance upon the surface world. The Fantastic Four had intervened, but were shot down over the open ocean (fortunately, the could all fly). But now they face an army of Atlanteans, including their mysterious leader....
Alpha Flight, alerted to the thread to Canada, has set off in its Alpha Flier in order to fight for truth, justice, and the Canadian Way! Fortunately for all concerned in this aquatic battle royal, Alpha Flight possesses not just one, but two aquatic heroes--the shapeshifter, Alex, and Marrina, daughter of the legendary Sub-Mariner himself!
Who will win? Will the hordes of Atlantis overtake Canada and then the world? And what has happened to the Atlantean Royal Family, Namor, Namora, and Namorita?
Find out...
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