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ng_independent ([info]ng_independent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-25 19:13:00

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Entry tags:inactive - addy baxter, inactive - chris pym, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - moira hrimharisdottir, inactive - rose logan, inactive - valeria richards, lady devil, plot-"man! i feel like a woman!", sammy fury, svalin, team - avengers, team - champions, team - defenders, team - fantastic four, team - x-men

Let the Games Begin
"I have made my selections!" Empress declared to her assembled "court". "ColLECT thEM!" she ordered.

"Of course your majesty," a guard said with a deep bow.

"I want them dressed and ready to FIGHT as soon as poSSible!" She wanted to find her champion as soon as possible. There were fights to win. Respect to be gained. Blood to be spilled! All of it was for her personal gain. She relished in the power her fighters gave her. "Now GO!"

The guard bowed again and hurried off to obey her Empress' wishes.

An hour later all of the selected girls were teleported up to the ship and the brainwashing process began.

As soon as possible they would be put into the arena and would fight for their Empress' pleasure.

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2010-01-26 04:09 am UTC (link)
Svalin grunted at the impact to her stomach, but that was all. Dense Asgardian tissue kept the blow from being much of an impact.

Svalin released the woman's wrists and tried to wrap her arms around the woman.

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2010-01-26 05:24 pm UTC (link)
Lyta grunted. Getting bear-hugged by an Asgardian wasn't the most comfortable thing.

She didn't struggle. Rather, she braced herself to be throw or squeezed at.

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2010-01-26 08:50 pm UTC (link)
Svalin wrapped the winged girl up with her arms and started to squeeze.

"Yield!" she demanded.

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2010-01-26 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Now, she was going to struggle just a bit, kicking at the godling to trip her up.


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2010-01-26 11:08 pm UTC (link)
The kicking had no effect on Svalin. It was like someone tapping to get her attention. She squeezed harder.


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2010-01-26 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Luckily, she was able to unfurl her wings just enough to push at her.


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2010-01-26 11:19 pm UTC (link)
Pushing at Svalin was like pushing at a brick wall. It didn't move and neither did she. Svalin tightened her arms. She didn't want to hurt the mortal, but she was going to win this fight.


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2010-01-26 11:26 pm UTC (link)
She was struggling now, trying to come up with anything to shove Svalin off of her. Kicking, pushing, biting.

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2010-01-26 11:30 pm UTC (link)
All minor annoyances to Svalin.

She released the winged woman and then threw a right. She pulled the punch. It would be hard enough to knock her out, but not hard enough to cause permanent damage or kill the mortal.

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2010-01-26 11:34 pm UTC (link)
Lyta landed flat on her ass, rolling aside to catch just only a touch of the punch. Which was still enough, as the punch was coming from an Asgardian.

Lyta launched into the air, before charging back at Svalin.

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2010-01-26 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Svalin waited for the charge. When the woman was close enough, Svalin grabbed for her upper arms to be able to slam her into the ground.

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2010-01-27 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Ngh." Her head hit the ground hard. Lyta stood up, her vision blurring, swaying just a little.

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2010-01-27 12:10 am UTC (link)
Svalin followed up the throw with a pulled punch.

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2010-01-27 12:26 am UTC (link)
Lyta swayed, pulling back her fist to land a punch...and then dropped to the ground, her world going black.

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2010-01-27 01:28 am UTC (link)
Svalin stood victorious over the winged woman. She looked at the Empress and smiled.

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