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ng_murderworld ([info]ng_murderworld) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-25 18:42:00

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Current location:New Orleans, LA
Current mood: amused
Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - alisa lebeau, inactive - entienne lebeau, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, lady devil, nicholas salem, perenawska, plot-"welcome to murderworld", team - champions

It's the Greatest Show on Earth!
The van that turned down the street in front of the Champion's home looked like any other brown delivery truck. Black and gold letters painting it's side and a man in a uniform consisting of a hat, button-up shirt and shorts the same drab color of his van looking as bored as one could with his job. The van stopped just short of the former night club's entrance. The delivery driver turned around in his seat and rummaged around for the small package he had for the inhabitants.

Hopping out of his van, 10x10 box tucked under his arm, he headed to the door and rapped on it three times. Not waiting for an answer - there was no signature confirmation requested - he set it on the top step and went back to his van, signed off on his clipboard and started the vehicle up.

By the time the door to the old club opened, he was already driving away to carry on with the rest of his deliveries.

The brown cardboard box, ten inches by exactly ten inches was addressed to The Most Worthy 'Champion' and weighed perhaps three pounds at the most. There was no return address.

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2010-02-01 08:22 pm UTC (link)
Enteinne was the first other person she found and the first he ran across. The boy was soaking wet, hair laying in limp strands and clothes clinging to him in a sodden mess. His eyes beneath the long bangs were a bit wild and unfocused giving his otherwise dead expression an unsettling edge.

He had keyed in on her emotions, them being closest enough to feel and set out toward them. He needed to pull on any he could if he was going to blow this place sky high. After he found his sister's body and killed the man who hurt her. Then the park would act as his funeral pyre.

Enteinne didn't try to muster a smile or a wave. His hands stayed at his side and he just muttered a barely audible, "hey."

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2010-02-01 08:36 pm UTC (link)
Irina nodded once. "We need to find the others," she said. Her bloody hands gripped two knives and there was a determined look on her face. "Can you walk on your own, or do you need assistance."

If only she could open a portal. She could get him back to their headquarters and then come back for the others.

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2010-02-01 08:41 pm UTC (link)
He shrugged, voice passive, "Walked dis far, didn't I?"

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2010-02-01 09:03 pm UTC (link)
"Da, but we may need to fight. You do not look like you are up for a battle of any sort."

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2010-02-01 09:05 pm UTC (link)
A slow grin lacking humor spread across his face as his head tilted to the side. "Give me one o' dose knives an I be more den fine."

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2010-02-01 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Irina flipped a knife over in a hand and offered it to him hilt first. Once he took it, she pulled another knife out of a boot. "Ready?"

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2010-02-01 09:13 pm UTC (link)
Enteinne held the knife in front of his face. The woman was angry and even though she had it controlled, he could still feel it and still pull on it, use it to fuel his revenge.

Use it to push that energy his body had been building up out into the knife, a lurid red glow that matched his now burning eyes taking it over.

He looked from the knife to Irina, "Oui."

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2010-02-01 09:18 pm UTC (link)
"Be on your guard," she advised and started walking.

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