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designergene ([info]designergene) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Enteinne was certain he was seeing things. His sister... what looked like his sister... Alive and well?


Her hands touched him, pulled him into a hug and he began shaking. The charged knife dropping from his hand and his arms coming up slowly to touch her. To make sure she was real...

The knife exploded at his feet and the blast tore into his leg. He sucked in a hissing breath and pushed Alisa from him, his hands already beginning to glow again.

It was the Rider. The burning skeleton. That deep and bottomless need for revenge and justice to be had and he couldn't contain it now. His sister was alive he didn't need to pull on it for strength... Enteinne clutched his hands to his chest and could feel his shirt begin to heat up, the charge building as the emotions became energy that leaked out of him. He couldn't stop it, couldn't hold it back.

"Peanut?" he mumbled, looking up and meeting her eyes. "Should prob'ly run now."

Enteinne pulled his shirt off, balled it up and threw it as far as he could. It blew up overhead, letting off enough of a shockwave to make the mutant stumble as he continued to back away from his only family.

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