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ng_murderworld ([info]ng_murderworld) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Argo is not a god of music... but the powers of the gods work in mysterious ways sometimes.

The mice stop their procession into the clock and circle around Argo instead, and within a few minutes, they're all asleep.

Arcade pauses. Somewhere, he glares. That was /not/ supposed to happen.

He pushes a button... from the ceiling, streamers rain down, buzzers sound, and on a screen, there's an image of Alisa's death by electrocution when reaching for an Argo image's hand.

"Congratuations! By figuring that out so fast, only one person died, the frailest of the sheep! I was hoping for two. Now if you'll look to your left..."

In the distance, there's four people suspended over a pit of fire. They're set up on a suspension network so that whenever one of them climbs, it lowers the others, and if one got removed or saved, the others would drop a lot of the way towards the fire. Every thirty seconds, the whole thing lowers an inch. Being a pit, there's no pot to dump, and the people are spread out too far to grab them all.

"So, what'll it be, Olympian? The woman... she's a pretty one? How about the kids? Adorable twins, don't you think? Poor guy on the end there. Any way you look at it, he loses, don't you think?"

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