She finds part of the venting system for the gas, and the means, normally, to keep fresh air going into the enclosed building when its full.
With a little work, and running a couple cut wires to touch a mirror for a power source, she's able to build a reasonable fan, and dig herself out a good little mouse's hidey-hole.
As long as she doesn't wander too far, or takes the time to hold the wires against a mirror, she can clear the gas enough to breathe, and keep airflow going.
The gas remains in the distance, making the way ahead and back darker and more mysterious, and casting odd shadows everywhere. But is she's careful, she can move. Or, for the moment, if she's a good little girl and stays very, very still, she's safe - and just has to deal with all her 'friends' and her 'brother' reaching out, offering false help and false hope.
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