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dream_catcher ([info]dream_catcher) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-19 20:21:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, antaeus, david roberts, giovanna bennet, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - ezekiel brooks, inactive - gabriel, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - moira hrimharisdottir, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - rose logan, joe marko, misha loganovich, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", rachel summers, sylvia mccoy, team - x-men, tsunami

After the Storm
The Marauders are gone. At least for now. They still haven't determined what that was all about, and right now, Lucas doesn't care. He's been hard at work ever since the attack, despite his own psychological scars, healing who he can. When the medical labs, Hank McCoy, and the other healer assured him they had things under control, he went to talk to Scott, and got permission to do the hardest task yet.
He sighs, setting down the pencil and reviewing the letter.

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2010-01-21 04:38 am UTC (link)
Ezekiel had cried for a while over the students who got hurt and who died. Then he began to get food set up for the students who where still alive. He knew that they would get hungry so he took charge and started cooking.

His leg kept bothering him from the stress of knowing people were hurt or dead. But this is his way of helping. He will be making rounds with food to make sure everyone is taking care of themselves.

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