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Cornelius "Corey" Drake ([info]sandcastlegod) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-19 22:02:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - alisa lebeau, inactive - entienne lebeau, nicholas salem, perenawska, team - champions

Settling in?
They'd started moving into the renovated abandoned restaurant/nightclub covered scrap metal. Corey'd even arranged a recycling dumpster next to the regular one. Once the kitchen was finally covered in his explanatory signs -- one explanation of food storage and recycling having the very direct heading 'You Will Not Waste' -- he took an awful lot of sorted bags of packaging out to said recycling dumpster.

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2010-01-22 06:00 am UTC (link)
He eyes the pair, but doesn't interrupt. Not the time or place to push them too hard. And he has food. Sure, he's not as desperately thin as they are, but he remembers plenty of times he didn't.

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2010-01-22 10:42 pm UTC (link)
"A pleasure to meet thee both," Argo said as he sat down to eat. Heeding Nicholas's warning, as well as his own sense for such things, he did not pepper his greeting to the lady with compliments.

He does, however, notice her watching him, and flashes her one of his famous smiles.

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2010-01-22 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Corey, with the tupperware set next to Tink's brother's plate so that they can pack up their leftovers when the leaving issue is decided, finally serves himself a plate, trying not to pay too much attention to whether Argo has enough.

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2010-01-22 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"H-hi.... Argo...." She was amazed at him. Even giving him a shy little wave as he flashed her such a handsome smile. She felt like she could melt into puddy suddenly. Alisa then moved her attention back to her plate, taking another bite of chicken, and narrowing her eyes at Ennie. "N-non we... we don' ... ah wanna stay..."

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