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Cornelius "Corey" Drake ([info]sandcastlegod) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-19 22:02:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - alisa lebeau, inactive - entienne lebeau, nicholas salem, perenawska, team - champions

Settling in?
They'd started moving into the renovated abandoned restaurant/nightclub covered scrap metal. Corey'd even arranged a recycling dumpster next to the regular one. Once the kitchen was finally covered in his explanatory signs -- one explanation of food storage and recycling having the very direct heading 'You Will Not Waste' -- he took an awful lot of sorted bags of packaging out to said recycling dumpster.

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2010-01-20 08:47 pm UTC (link)
"Oui..." She walked over to Ennie's bike and flipped up the kickstand, while she held on to the handlebars. She followed Nick's lead, trying to keep up with him as much as possible. "So... jus' replace de pipe... wit' a real Harley one? Ennie... would like dat... shouldn' take mah long ta do."

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2010-01-20 08:58 pm UTC (link)
He takes his time about it, and tries to keep things focused on bikes. Machines she seems to have no problem with.
He opens up his shop's bay door, then just leaves it open. Usually he'd close up, but they'll be here a while, and he doubts she's ready to be in an enclosed and soundproofed place with him just yet.

He gets down his toolset and opens it up on one of the tables next to the work areas, a real and proper shop set, with about two hundred different tools, fittings and parts in one case.

He takes out one of the socket wrench bodies, and lays out four of the heads. "Ok, here's the proper fittings for what you were using there. This fitting on the left? That's the size that that model Harley is supposed to use. I'll get you the right bolts. If you use the right sizes and tools, you won't get those scratches or need to widen anything. And yeah, just take off the old pipe and toss it in that box labeled parts. I'll sell it to an auto shop for scrap parts. Then we're going to put on the piece that was supposed to go there. If this goes easy, we'll get to work on some harder repairs. Eventually, we're probably going to take most of the bike apart, and rebuild it with factory pieces. How long have you been keeping that thing running on scavenged parts?"

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2010-01-20 09:05 pm UTC (link)
"Five years..." She put the stand back up, and seemed to move to the tools as he spoke, without needing him to tell her which to use. She knelt down and moved at a fast speed with her hands, quickly removing the pipe she used on Ennie's bike with ease, and then placing it down on the ground. Alisa then got up, and took the new pipe from the table, and then placed it where the old one had been. She used the various tools to secure it in place properly, and in a little less than seven minutes, she was done. Just like that.

"All Done... N-nick... take a look, yeah?"

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2010-01-20 09:08 pm UTC (link)
He watches, suitably impressed. Its good that her talent apparently tells her not only how to do the work, but what tools to use if they're available. That's good, very good. Harley owners don't tend to like non-standard parts being used on their bikes.

He whistles low. "That was fast. Clean too. You like the feel of that wrench set, or would you prefer a smaller one, more fit for your grip?" he asks as he crouches to inspect her work.

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2010-01-20 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"Ah... ah can work wit' any tool set, really... de size o' de tools don' seem ta mattah none." She nodded her head, watching him inspect her work. She picked up the old Pipe, looking where she scratched in her name and Ennie's, as well as the date she got the part for him. her fingers ran over this etching as Nick continued to inspect her work. "Ah'll... take whatevah you willin' ta give mah... ah... ah ain' demandin' ..."

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2010-01-20 09:24 pm UTC (link)
"Nuh uh, not that easy. These bikes aren't just functional. There's a dozen makers out there that make that. People buy, and stay loyal to Harleys for a reason. When you take care of them, maintain them right, they're works of art. Go to somewhere like Sturgis, and you'll see Harleys worth two-hundred grand or more. People sell their houses to soup up their Harley and go on the road. Someone who can work magic in repair and restoration can make a good living, because some of the people who ride can and will pay for the very best. And mutant power or not, you might well be the best I've ever seen. And trust me, I know bikes. They were the only good thing about growing up. So I don't want to know what will work for you. I don't want to know what you can make function. I want to know what feels good and comfortable in your hand. I want to know whether a hard rubber grip, padded grip or tool metal grip feels best and will let you work the longest without hurting your hands. I want to know if you /like/ that toolset, or if a women's set will work better for you. Because if you're willing to help me take restoration work here, you will make any money I invest in you now to get you your own tools and your own shop set up, and make it way more than worthwhile. I wouldn't expect Picasso to work with house brushes, I wouldn't ask Corey to sculpt with loose gravel, and your talent is being wasted going through dumpsters. You're an artist, maybe the best I've seen. If I'm going to offer you a job, I'm going to make sure you have the right tools to work with."

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2010-01-20 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"Dey... dey make... women's sets... o' tools?" She blinked at this. She never heard of such a thing. Most of the tools she owned she took from dumpsters. She was amazed at all the things that people threw away. She could restore and make good of trash... and now, she was being offered the ability to gain good tools, and to fix good bikes... and for money. This guy... he had faith in her.

"Can... can ah get... pink rubber grip... handles?" She never worked with rubber comfort grips before... and they sound like they would be, well, comfortable. "I-if non... den... den regular would be... good."

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2010-01-20 09:41 pm UTC (link)
"See? Now we're talking." He knows what its like to be poor, dirt poor. He often is, when he's on the road. None of what she's saying seems to come as any surprise.
"Yes, we will get you a 400 piece shop kit with pink rubber comfort grips. You can pay me back by doing the next refits on my bike."
Yes, after that display, he's willing to let her work on his bike.
"Don't worry about what you owe me or anything for it. I take restoration work in here. With a second mechanic, and as fast as you work, even just at twenty hours a week, I can take a lot more work. I'll knock some of the cost of tools and your brother's bike parts for work on my bike, and then take fifteen percent out of your paycheck until we're even. You won't have to talk to or deal with the customers, just work on bikes. I cannot guarantee there will always be work, but when there is, I'll pay you seventeen dollars an hour for as much or as little as you want to work. You want the job?"

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2010-01-20 09:47 pm UTC (link)
She nodded her head feverishly. "Oui, oui ah wan' de job..." With an income like that, Ennie would not have to steal food from the market anymore, or clothes... or anything. They could live comfortably, as they should. This would be a big change! For once, she would bring in the income, and Ennie could relax, and perhaps get some schooling.

"Mah name... is Alisa... LeBeau...."

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2010-01-20 09:50 pm UTC (link)
He extends his hand to her. Big show of trust on her part to give out her name, and he's not taking it lightly.
"A pleasure to meet you, Alisa LeBeau. I'm Nicholas Salem. You and your brother got a place to stay? If you get on with people, we could fix you two up rooms next to each other. Tons of space in this old club. And a shorter commute to work for you." He didn't miss that she'd basically snuck out before.

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2010-01-20 09:54 pm UTC (link)
"We... we got a small house... but... me an' Ennie share a room, an' a bed... b-but non... non in a bad way... we... we jus'... always slept in de same bed... as kids." She felt a bit embarrassed giving out such information. But, she felt like she could trust Nick. She even extended her hand and shook his. She actually touched another man without flinching, a big step for her. "But... but dis place... nice... bigger den ours... ah t'ink... it would be good ta stay here. E-especially if... if ah be workin' here for yah, non?"

A small smile crept up on Alisa's face, as she finally made eye contact with Nick.

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2010-01-20 10:00 pm UTC (link)
He meets her look directly, not at all concerned for her mutant feature. After all, would be kind of hard to say much bad about mutants when he's demon possessed and all.

"We have good security here, mostly the residents. We'll get each of you your own room." That'd be healthier, another good step for her to work towards. "It won't be much, but it'll be your own space. I'll have your toolset by the end of the week. Talk to your brother, and he can talk to me if there's any questions. I'll make sure stuff is squared up with everyone."
And yes, he's well aware they're thieves, that her brother has probably done some stuff he's not proud of. So has Nick, and Alisa is useful enough to make it a worthwhile gamble. And if they do screw a good thing up somehow, well, he'll be able to find them.

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2010-01-20 10:41 pm UTC (link)
"Okay... ah'll talk ta Ennie... ah jus'... hope he lets mah stay. be easier for mah to be here... den 'ave ta travel ta work. Ah don'... like bein' around too many people. Umm... do you know where de kitchen is? he be dere..." She smiled a little more. "W-would you mind... takin' mah dere?"

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2010-01-20 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"I'll take you there in a second, sure. I bet food'll be done soon. But before we do that, now that this is square, I want to make one thing /absolutely/ clear. I am not a nice guy or a white knight. Any Cinderella fantasies need to go away, right now. This sounds like a great deal, and it is, but its /not/ a charity. Its a job offer, and you will treat it like one. I'm fronting you money for tools, rooms and repairs, it is a loan, not a gift. Your brother gets to come along because you're more than worth it. But if you tell me you'll work twenty hours in a week, you will work twenty hours that week. If you tell me you'll do forty, you will work forty, because that's what I'll be billing customers for. If you screw up, I will tell you, and you will do the work again til its right. The people who pay this kind of money for repairs do not want functional. They want it to look right, feel right and sound right. They are paying top dollar for high quality machines with a trademarked sound and a lot of history. Parts for 50's and 60's Harleys are not cheap, so if you damage them, it comes out of your pay. We do not use modern parts when someone wants their 72 'Glide fixed, we use restored or remolded '72 parts. I'll take care of getting the right things, but you'll be expected to do the work you're told and that you commit to."

He pauses, still looking her straight in the eye.

"You're getting this job offer because you are /good/. You are /worth/ this kind of money, and its just the beginning. If you can learn the language, get schooled up enough to tell a shovelhead from a panhead on sight, know what bolts go into a '59, not just fix them, but speak the language, I will dock my own pay to help get you certified, because a certified mechanic with your speed and skill could make 30 to 45 dollars an hour and get people driving 500 miles to come to your shop - and I think you're good enough to do it, and if so, I want you working in my shop. But that's as far as talent gets you - your foot in the door. From now on, you will earn your room and board, you will earn your job, and you will earn my trust. Do you understand?"

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2010-01-20 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Ah... ah understand... crystal clear." She nodded her head. She did not think of this as some Cinderella thing to be honest. She thought of it more or less like being a kid on the street and finding a bottle of bubbles with the wand still inside of it. 'It's jus'... nice... ta 'ave someone who 'as... faith in yah is all... an'... an' ah will work hard... ah'm... ah'm non de kinda person... to take stuff an' run..."

No, she thought. That would be Ennie. She was more of a push over and one who always wanted to do the right thing. Ennie's thievery and their past always had her labeled as a thief, despite never taking part in such activities, willingly. She only put up with Ennie's stealing, because she thought it made him feel good... and it kept them from starving to death. Toying with her fingers, she looked at Nick and spoke again.

"Ah'm... non a bad person... really... ah keep mah word... even if dat don' mean much for you. But... ah... ah guess... ah can prove mahself. Ah'll... ah'll let yah ask mah anyt'ing yah want... an' ah'll give yah an honest answer!"

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2010-01-20 11:08 pm UTC (link)
He nods. "For right now, that's good enough for me. If I had thought you were a thief and a liar, you wouldn't have gotten this far. I'm not going to ask you to prove anything to me, because you have no reason to trust me yet. If and when I prove myself worth trusting, then we'll play twenty serious questions, and it'll go both ways, ok? Until then, you can prove yourself worth the investment by being a good worker... which means starting with getting your strength up and putting on about five pounds. Come on, the kitchen is this way." he replies, heading up to show her the way.

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