He takes his time about it, and tries to keep things focused on bikes. Machines she seems to have no problem with.
He opens up his shop's bay door, then just leaves it open. Usually he'd close up, but they'll be here a while, and he doubts she's ready to be in an enclosed and soundproofed place with him just yet.
He gets down his toolset and opens it up on one of the tables next to the work areas, a real and proper shop set, with about two hundred different tools, fittings and parts in one case.
He takes out one of the socket wrench bodies, and lays out four of the heads. "Ok, here's the proper fittings for what you were using there. This fitting on the left? That's the size that that model Harley is supposed to use. I'll get you the right bolts. If you use the right sizes and tools, you won't get those scratches or need to widen anything. And yeah, just take off the old pipe and toss it in that box labeled parts. I'll sell it to an auto shop for scrap parts. Then we're going to put on the piece that was supposed to go there. If this goes easy, we'll get to work on some harder repairs. Eventually, we're probably going to take most of the bike apart, and rebuild it with factory pieces. How long have you been keeping that thing running on scavenged parts?"
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