"Like I said, the catch is you got to show me how you did some of this stuff. Maybe gimme a hand with my bike. I'll be completely honest with you, you're good. You're damn good. I'm one of the best motorcycle mechs around. Even in this economy, I got a part time gig restoring Harleys in nothing flat. I put my own bike together working mostly for parts and tools over the years. With close to the right parts and right tools, I can make a bike do almost anything... and looking at your work, so can you... except you do it with misfit parts, some bent metal, and parts that just ain't supposed to do what you're making them do. I want to see what you can do with a properly fitted shop and tools that are meant to do what you want them to do, and see what you come up with."
He looks back to her work. "I know bikes... and I know talent. You got it, I want to see what you can do with it. And if you're anywhere near as good as it looks like you are, I can get you a job that pays real money, easy... and can keep an eye on you while you're at it so no one gives you any trouble."
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