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ng_marauders ([info]ng_marauders) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-15 00:52:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, giovanna bennet, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - danielle hrimharisdottir, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - gabriel, inactive - leech, inactive - moira hrimharisdottir, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - rose logan, inactive - zachary cheney-guthrie, joe marko, npc team - marauders, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", sylvia mccoy, team - x-men, tsunami

Attack on Xavier's
Penny stepped out of the cab and didn't look back to see if Winterkill and Breakneck were getting out. They would follow, of that she had no doubt. They had a mission to do. Penny smiled. They'd have fun doing it too.

Penny smiled more as she practically bounced up to the gate. Makeup covered the bruise she had because of that bastard breaking her nose. Anger bubbled up, but she pushed it back. She couldn't afford to let real emotions get the best of her. She had to play a part right now.

Smiling into the security camera, Penny pressed the buzzer.

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2010-01-16 03:51 am UTC (link)
Sylvie, still hissing a little from the pain, dodges or blocks most of it. Most. But that doesn't give her much opportunity to make hits of her own, especially without any of the right furniture around to help her mobility.

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2010-01-16 03:58 am UTC (link)
Attention Talitha-those pretty purple eyes AREN'T just for show.

Oh no, they're that way so she can chuck Sylvie's abandoned wheelchair straight at Talitha's face, being very careful not to hit Sylvie in the process.

Yeah...she's so going to get a job after this just for the purpose of buying Sylvie a new wheelchair.

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2010-01-16 04:07 am UTC (link)
Talitha notices the chair just in time to duck. But unfortunately she noticed it a little later than she should have, and it clipped the top of her head. She stumbled back away from Sylvie and onto the ground with a nice, rugged cut on the top of her head.

And the scent of blood enrages Talitha.


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2010-01-16 06:21 am UTC (link)
Sylvie backs up, braces herself against a wall.

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2010-01-17 02:36 am UTC (link)
Which gave Molly the opportunity to charge right at Talitha.

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2010-01-17 02:49 am UTC (link)
Talitha rolled to the side and moved behind Molly, attempting to grab the girl by the hair and drag her to the ground.

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2010-01-17 03:11 am UTC (link)
Molly screamed. Durability or not, getting your hail pulled hurts like hell either way.

She recovers from it quickly though, to throw an elbow at Talitha's face.

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2010-01-17 04:05 am UTC (link)
Talitha stumbled back from the elbow, but caught herself before she fell. Molly sure as hell was strong, and had possibly broken Talitha's nose. It was enough of a shock to get Talitha sobered up from rage.

"Looks like I got what I came for, girls!"

She bolted into the nearest room (Vicki's room) with Sylvie's DNA bunched up under her nails, and a nice few strands of Molly's hair. She leaped through the window for her escape.

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2010-01-17 05:01 am UTC (link)
Sylvie's having a hard time processing everything-- and when it hits, she'll be hoping to god Vicki's not in her room -- but there's smoke coming up from downstairs, lots of it. She gets her hands around the bannister and scrambles down, ready to climb lots of furniture and wall fixtures to the fire extinguishers.

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2010-01-20 04:10 am UTC (link)
No one seems to know where Vicki is. Any questions after her suggest last anyone knew she was headed to her room to clean up some of the cages in there.

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