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ng_marauders ([info]ng_marauders) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-15 00:52:00

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Entry tags:andrew summers, giovanna bennet, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - danielle hrimharisdottir, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - gabriel, inactive - leech, inactive - moira hrimharisdottir, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - rose logan, inactive - zachary cheney-guthrie, joe marko, npc team - marauders, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", sylvia mccoy, team - x-men, tsunami

Attack on Xavier's
Penny stepped out of the cab and didn't look back to see if Winterkill and Breakneck were getting out. They would follow, of that she had no doubt. They had a mission to do. Penny smiled. They'd have fun doing it too.

Penny smiled more as she practically bounced up to the gate. Makeup covered the bruise she had because of that bastard breaking her nose. Anger bubbled up, but she pushed it back. She couldn't afford to let real emotions get the best of her. She had to play a part right now.

Smiling into the security camera, Penny pressed the buzzer.

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2010-01-16 01:42 am UTC (link)
Gabriel got low and rolled to the side when he saw the blast of fire bend around him to go for his back. The edge of his wing got singed, but that was the extent of the damage. And yet, that was the worst thing the pyrokinetic could ever do to Gabriel.

Now it was on. Gabriel rushed in to kick the downed pyrokinetic in the face, trying to knock him out. Little did he know that the pyro was already dead and being manipulated through a method that ignored such setbacks as 'unconciousness'.

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2010-01-16 01:51 am UTC (link)
While the slave was still being kicked Scarab had the slave unleash another blast of fire at Gabriel.

Scarab was now very annoyed with the whole situation being forced to be here out in the open, now having to deal with these people and worst of all he had to go to New York and he hated New York.

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2010-01-16 01:59 am UTC (link)
Kicking wasn't doing anything, it seemed. A fire blast knocked Gabriel off of his feet, and he cried out in pain. He grabbed the leg of the nearby small desk, and lifted it over his head and down, trying to slam it down on the pyro's arm. His abdomen suffered some nasty burns, but Gabriel had to keep up with the fight.

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2010-01-16 02:16 am UTC (link)
The makeshift club hit the slave arm and broke bones not that it did much to help Gabriel. Scarab was done playing game and had the slave make a tornado of flames around Gabriel.

“We were instructed not to kill anyone if possible but you are making that very difficult. If you promise to behave I’ll let you live if not you die,” said Scarab furiously. He was starting to have trouble organizing the battle on both fronts he had to deal with.

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2010-01-16 02:29 am UTC (link)
The desk broke, and Gabriel was left holding a broken wooden desk leg (with a really pointy end). He reeled back his arms and stood up with his wings brougfht in close while the flaming tornado began to surround him. And that was his time to think.

Scarab had done no fighting. He used the term "I" when he talked about doing harm to Gabriel, and yet the pyrokinetic was the only one doing any actual fighting. Somehow, Scarab was using the sickly looking pyrokinetic as a puppet.

"You seem to have forgotten something," Gabriel commented as he chucked the broken wooden leg through the fire tornado at the pyrokinetic on the floor (aimed for where Gabriel remembered the pyro's thigh was). And then Gabriel let his wings wrap around him, and he ran through the fire tornado and attempted to tackle Scarab, his wings now lit on fire and thrown back.

"Fire isn't a solid wall!"

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2010-01-16 02:45 am UTC (link)
Much to the surprise of Scarab, Gabriel had jumped through the flame of the tornado to get him. This plan of trying to reason was not working now he was going to have to do something drastic. Then he noticed that his control over the slave was weakening. Scarab needed reinforcements and fast.

Taking the knife he had hidden in his pocket he ran over to his slave cutting his palm as he went to give the slave a transfusion of his blood to stop the bleeding. At the same time he called for the rest of his slaves to return to him.

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2010-01-16 02:55 am UTC (link)
Gabriel dropped to the ground and rolled when Scarab moved out of the way. That managed to get most of the flames on his wings smothered out. But he still had his eye on Scarab, and Gabriel lunged at the withered-looking man with a right jab launched at the back of Scarab's head.

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2010-01-16 03:03 am UTC (link)
The jab hit Scarab hard and he fell not far from his slave. Using what control he has left of his slave he make it send a fireball at Gabriel’s face while he sliced at Gabriel’s shins. This was to buy time for his support to get to him which he could sense was soon.

Scarab hoped that it wasn’t a mistake to take both of his slaves because that meant his target would surly follow his toys to him.

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