New Digs (Open to SA) @ 10:47 am
Well it wasn't Avengers Mansion, or any other place nice, but it would serve for their purposes. The old underground SHIELD base hadn't been used in a decade or two and it would be the new home of the Secret Avengers. The underground facility had everything a team could need. It had a kitchen and dining area, conference room complete with communications equipment, sleeping quarters, motor pool area and even a medical bay. The only thing it didn't have was windows, but they weren't a necessity, only a liability.
It had been cleaned out and the equipment upgraded before it was time to move in.
Natasha sat in the conference room looking at satellite feeds over the area they had gone to on their first mission. A steaming cup of black coffee sat on the table. She had arrived two days ago and was expecting the "team" to start arriving to check out their new base any time now.
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