Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

May 9th, 2011

(no subject) @ 03:16 am

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Rogue isn't looking for Remy, not exactly, since looking for him is likely the best way for her to never find him. That man has the most uncanny ability to know when someone is looking for him and be somewhere else. So, she's happening to be in the places that he typically happens to be. It could take days and that fact is a little strange to her. Usually, she's the one tripping over him.

Then again, they're both good at running when they want to be.

April 25th, 2011

Touch the sky... @ 10:25 pm

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 Since she's gained control of her powers, Rogue has missed the high places.  She wouldn't ever trade the flight for the control over her powers but there are days where she wishes she could take off at will, to soar among the clouds.  It was easier to think, or easier not to think, when she was flying.  Instead, now, she has to make do with climbing as high as she can manage.  Usually, that's the top of the school and the mansion.

Today, she's up there, taking in the sun and the wind, watching the work going on around the island.  She tries to take a little bit of time every day to come up here but today, she's been here too long and she knows it.

April 9th, 2011

Nearly done and we still haven't started...(Open to X-Men) @ 04:37 pm


Scott Summers looked down at the stacks of paperwork and information on his desk with a critical eye. Trade agreements, delivery manifests and personnel reports were among the top things that he needed to find time to deal with. He also had to schedule time to talk to everyone in the various areas of Utopia on the progress of rebuilding from Bastion's attack. His people, both the X-Men and mutants in general, have been through so much recently that it was wonder they hadn't broken yet. Of course, there were many that did.

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Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game