Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

May 5th, 2011

(no subject) @ 08:28 pm


The call comes in about 4:20 am EST.

A man in crimson armor climbs out of a harbor in Manhattan, barely able to stand. He collapses, water-logged and battered, upon the ground. He lit up American airspace alerts two or three miles out, but he moved too quickly for anyone to mount an adequate response.

Two hours later, Crimson Dynamo sits in an interrogation room on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, awaiting someone, anyone who will hear him out. It galls him to ask the Americans for help, but he has no choice.

He is betraying his country to save it from a monster.


April 27th, 2011

The End of Oscorp @ 04:06 pm


"Today's top story in the corporate world is the complete takeover of Oscorp assets by the fledging new conglomerate, Diaboulus. Oscorp had suffered significantly after it's CEO, former Seceretary of Defense Norman Osborn, was arrested for his treasonous actions. When it seemed his former company would be liquidated entirely, reclusive CEO Malik Jericho bought the rights to the company's former patents and subsidiaries. This reporter had a chance to briefly speak to Mr. Jericho after his meeting with former Oscorp executives."

The camera cuts to the report running up to a tall, black man with a slight eerie presence to him.

"Mr. Jericho, what do you say to the rumors that your company  is looking to exploit whatever shady dealings Mr. Osborn may have had in the works?"

The man turns down to face the reporter.

""No one is going to claim that the things Norman Osborn has done both as the Green Goblin and as Secretary of Defense were not deplorable. However his company is full of bright minds and hard workers who shouldn't suffer due to their employer's actions. I saw an opportunity to preserve jobs and make a profit while doing it. As for whether we turn up anything Osborn may have been working on, well you can just ask SHIELD officials, who will confirm that Diabolous will be more than cooperative in handing over anything Osborn may have left behind.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment."

The big man entered his limosine as the reporter directed the camera back to her coworkers at the station.

April 9th, 2011

One Year Ago @ 05:57 pm


Nick Fury knew where all of his troublemakers were almost all of the time. This way he knew when a headache was coming. There was one individual, not necessarily one of the troublemakers, he always kept tabs on was one Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.

Rogers was currently enjoying a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs at Rosie's Diner. Nick walked into the diner carrying a manila envelope. He slid into the booth and smiled at the waitress that appeared at the table. "Cup o' yer best, honey," he said favoring her with one of his best smiles.

"Coming right up," she said and went to get the coffee.

He looked at Steve and slid the envelope across the table.. "Got somethin' ya might be interested in."

February 14th, 2011

Valentine Vignettes @ 07:13 pm


I arise from dreams of thee
In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the winds are breathing low,
And the stars are shining bright.
I arise from dreams of thee,
And a spirit in my feet
Hath led me -- who knows how?
To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint
On the dark, the silent stream--
And the Champak's odours
Like sweet thoughts in a dream;
The nightingale's complaint,
It dies upon her heart,
As I must on thine,
O belovèd as thou art!

O lift me from the grass!
I die! I faint! I fail!
Let thy love in kisses rain
On my lips and eyelids pale.
My cheek is cold and white, alas!
My heart beats loud and fast:
O press it to thine own again,
Where it will break at last!

Percy Bysshe Shelley

December 31st, 2010

New Year's Resolutions (SHIELD) @ 11:26 am


There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written:

New Year's Resolutions

Anonymous entries accepted.

December 10th, 2010

Protection, KS @ 06:29 am


Protection, Kansas was a small mid-west town surrounded by fields of wheat and corn. The town consisted of 526 residents and the median income was around 35K. The residents were cheerful and polite and went about their daily lives. The town didn't see many visitors, but today two white vans rolled into town.

The vans pulled into the parking lot and two men got out of one van and climbed into the other one. The other white van pulled away and headed out of town. No one in the town noticed what had happened.

Three hours later a beeping came from the parked van. A moment later the device inside the van activated and a green wave of energy spread outward from the van and engulfed the whole town.

November 24th, 2010

Giving Thanks @ 05:14 pm


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." JFK

In America today is a day for being thankful for the things in people's lives. Today was a day to celebrate family, friends, prosperity and health with food, family and friends. It is a time to reflect on what is important us and to recognize the gratitude we hold for having those things in our lives.

November 11th, 2010

It's a Trap! @ 04:37 pm


Sharon Carter ran into the base with a dozen S.H.I.E.L.D. agents at her back. Intel had said that HYDRA was working on a new weapon at this location and Sharon led a team in to recover the weapon and the data on it. They stormed in with guns blazing.

Sharon had gotten into the main computer room and started downloading files when there was a sharp prick to the back of her neck.

Then the world went black.

October 31st, 2010

All Hallow's Eve (open to all) @ 12:17 pm


All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween as it has been come to be called, is a popular holiday with children and adults alike. It is a holiday that had its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain or Summer's End. Samhain celebrated the end of the "lighter half" of the year and the beginning of the "darker half".

On this evening the barriers between this world and the Otherworld were believed to be thin and the spirits, good and bad, of the dead could pass through. The spirits of the family's ancestors were welcomed in while evil and bad spirits were warded off by the wearing of masks and costumes. The costumes and masks disguised one as a harmful spirit and avoided harm from others.

It was also a harvest celebration and time to take stock of food stores for the winter. Livestock were slaughtered and the meat prepared for storage. It was the final harvest of the year and the crops were then stored for the winter. Celebrations included bonfires and tales of the family's ancestors.

It was a celebration of the dead and of the harvest.

Today we dress up in scary and not so scary costumes and masks and go door to door for candy or attend costume parties. It is a night for revelry, pranks and fun.

June 25th, 2010

Hulk SMASH! @ 07:25 pm


"Come on, Bruce," Betty Banner said to her husband as she climbed out of the car. They were parked outside a warehouse in Jersey City, New Jersey.

"Where are we going, Betty?" he asked as he climbed out of the passenger side.

"It's a surprise," she said with a smile. "I've been waiting to show you this for some time."

Bruce looked at the warehouse and then at his wife. "What's inside?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. Come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. "You'll love this."

"Okay," Bruce resigned and followed his wife inside the building.

Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game