The End of Oscorp @ 04:06 pm
"Today's top story in the corporate world is the complete takeover of Oscorp assets by the fledging new conglomerate, Diaboulus. Oscorp had suffered significantly after it's CEO, former Seceretary of Defense Norman Osborn, was arrested for his treasonous actions. When it seemed his former company would be liquidated entirely, reclusive CEO Malik Jericho bought the rights to the company's former patents and subsidiaries. This reporter had a chance to briefly speak to Mr. Jericho after his meeting with former Oscorp executives."
The camera cuts to the report running up to a tall, black man with a slight eerie presence to him.
"Mr. Jericho, what do you say to the rumors that your company is looking to exploit whatever shady dealings Mr. Osborn may have had in the works?"
The man turns down to face the reporter.
""No one is going to claim that the things Norman Osborn has done both as the Green Goblin and as Secretary of Defense were not deplorable. However his company is full of bright minds and hard workers who shouldn't suffer due to their employer's actions. I saw an opportunity to preserve jobs and make a profit while doing it. As for whether we turn up anything Osborn may have been working on, well you can just ask SHIELD officials, who will confirm that Diabolous will be more than cooperative in handing over anything Osborn may have left behind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment."
The big man entered his limosine as the reporter directed the camera back to her coworkers at the station.
"Today's top story in the corporate world is the complete takeover of Oscorp assets by the fledging new conglomerate, Diaboulus. Oscorp had suffered significantly after it's CEO, former Seceretary of Defense Norman Osborn, was arrested for his treasonous actions. When it seemed his former company would be liquidated entirely, reclusive CEO Malik Jericho bought the rights to the company's former patents and subsidiaries. This reporter had a chance to briefly speak to Mr. Jericho after his meeting with former Oscorp executives."
The camera cuts to the report running up to a tall, black man with a slight eerie presence to him.
"Mr. Jericho, what do you say to the rumors that your company is looking to exploit whatever shady dealings Mr. Osborn may have had in the works?"
The man turns down to face the reporter.
""No one is going to claim that the things Norman Osborn has done both as the Green Goblin and as Secretary of Defense were not deplorable. However his company is full of bright minds and hard workers who shouldn't suffer due to their employer's actions. I saw an opportunity to preserve jobs and make a profit while doing it. As for whether we turn up anything Osborn may have been working on, well you can just ask SHIELD officials, who will confirm that Diabolous will be more than cooperative in handing over anything Osborn may have left behind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment."
The big man entered his limosine as the reporter directed the camera back to her coworkers at the station.
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