May 24th, 2011
The President's Speech (News Report-Open to Reactions) @ 11:35 am
"...and it is imperative that those of us who do not possess the gene for mutancy to insure that our civil rights and inherent freedoms are not violated by those that do. I do not advocate violence or discrimination against mutants; on the contrary, I advocate assimilation and integration with the general populace, after said people have declared their empowered status and work with the government for a set number of years to improve our country." President Ndroso says to the assembled crowd. ( Read more... )
May 3rd, 2011
(no subject) @ 09:26 am
It was his old home and yet at the same time it was not his old home. Since he had arrived Erik had learned the magnetic structures of his area until once again he could monitor them without thinking. It was much the same as breathing or your heart beating to him to have the fields and waves of power and resistance constantly at the edges of his awareness. It was one of the reasons he was always so hard to sneak up on. It is hard to take someone by surprise when you have to move through the magnetic fields to get there. Their role here was not sure yet. He encouraged Exodus to explore and speak with people while they waited but he had kept himself separate for now unless he was approached by someone. Those who approached were always treated openly and with honesty which might be a surprise for some. And he kept his helmet off to show his trust that even should Emma decide to transgress and look inside his mind that she would find only the intent he'd shown since the beginning. They would figure out what to do with him eventually or at least allow him to figure that out for himself. Until then he waited.
April 9th, 2011
Nearly done and we still haven't started...(Open to X-Men) @ 04:37 pm
Scott Summers looked down at the stacks of paperwork and information on his desk with a critical eye. Trade agreements, delivery manifests and personnel reports were among the top things that he needed to find time to deal with. He also had to schedule time to talk to everyone in the various areas of Utopia on the progress of rebuilding from Bastion's attack. His people, both the X-Men and mutants in general, have been through so much recently that it was wonder they hadn't broken yet. Of course, there were many that did. ( Read more... )
September 18th, 2010
Testing the waters. @ 10:20 am
Dr. McCoy hadn't been able to discern anything wrong with Jean and that itself was disconcerting. She'd had Cerebro try to check her out as well, but she still read with the same mutant powers she'd always had. That was even weirder. No one visibly seemed much bothered and Jean decided not to probe into minds of her friends and team to see what they were really thinking, but there was an uneasiness. Something wasn't right and she knew it which is why she decided her best bet to get to the bottom of the issue was to try to recreate it. She'd asked Scott to meet her in the Danger Room. Any other X-Man who wanted to come was invited as well, but with the caveat that things could get really weird. She wasn't sure who would show up and with that other bit of uncertainty in mind, she waited for others to arrive so they could get this party started.
July 15th, 2010
A hint of a problem. @ 07:47 pm
The headache she'd had for the past two days had finally abated and Jean decided that since it was gone, it was a fine day to do some practice. She felt weak since she'd return and she accounted for it in her sad amount of training. Abilities were one thing, but you had to use them to be good with them. She knew that and she knew that she'd simply gotten lazy, her mind turning flabby like an ab or an arm might. She left Scott a note to let him know where she was--he'd been sleeping and while she could crawl into his head anytime she wanted, notes were still a sweet way to communicate--and then took off for the Danger Room. A full-service workout was what she wanted so she started with low level drills. Kid stuff, really, the kind of things they started students on. Of course they were easily beaten and she steadily worked on more and more complicated scenarios, but instead of defeating them soundly, Jean had...trouble. For the fourth simulation in a row, her telekineses failed, leaving her for dead in the simulation. Suddenly, the room shut down. It was the failsafe they had installed, but now an alert would be sent out that someone was practicing and in over their head. And Jean should not have been in over her head.
June 18th, 2010
Where does the next generation come from? (Open) @ 02:16 pm
Typically, Scott Summers maintained an open door policy to his office, when he wasn't teaching or otherwise occupied with duties as leader of the X-Men, and today was no exception. He was at his desk, the computer displaying various student files, while he scratched at the notepad in front of him with a pen, occasionally adding a name to it. The fact of the matter was, while they had numerous students, the eye had been to simply providing them training in controlling their abilities and providing them with a quality education. The other fact of the matter was, the world was not going to necessarily allow that. He'd been an X-Man for most of his life, and it seemed like he would continue to be one until it killed him. The new generation had to come from somewhere. He looked over the names he had written so far. Hisako Ichiki. Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller. Megan Gwenn. There were a few other possibilities too. Santo Vaccarro, perhaps, or Victor Borkowski. Sooraya Qadir remained a posibility as well. Picking children to send off to battle. Was this truly the right thing to do?