Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

May 21st, 2011

dreams are born again @ 11:20 pm


Have you ever had one of those days where you just felt something was constructed in your stomach?  Where you felt like something was just, off?  That seemed to be how Alex felt everyday for the past few days.  He didn't understand the feeling, but he did understand that it wasn't a good sign.  Instead of mulling over the feeling, however, Alex tried to focus on other things; more enjoyable things.  Namely, he hoped that Stephen King would remedy the feeling with an invigorating read through Dreamcatcher.

Alex sat down somewhere solitary, away from the rest of the X-Men.  And away from Magneto and Paris.  The fact that they were on the property wasn't exactly something Alex was comfortable with--especially with Paris.  He couldn't help but feel that Scott was really the leader he professed to be.  Emma had a hand in all of his decisions, and Alex felt even less comfortable with her around.  He didn't agree with their relationship, either.  She was a bad influence from the start.  But what could he do, other than stick around and keep an eye on things?

Whatever.  It wasn't the time to keep his mind on those thoughts.  As soon as he made eye contact with the letters on the pages, he drifted into a more enjoyable state of mind.


May 2nd, 2011

Maddie and the Madman @ 01:05 pm


Mojo had to admit, when he had sent Magog to track down Spiral regarding her delay, he hadn't expected such a find. Iniatially he believed she was Jean Grey back from the dead. Instead it was someone he found infinitely more interesting, Madelynne Pryor. The woman had taken many roles: wife, mother, clone, mistress, sorceress, villainess, an infinitely adabtable woman. Pity she couldn't be made into a performer, but Mojo was not stupid despite what people thought. He knew what had happened to Sinister when he had tried to manipulate this powerful woman and he didn't desire the same thing to happen to him. Still, it didn't mean she couldn't be useful to him. He would just have to be careful. As such, Mojo was not in the room where Madelynne had been resting, well awre if she woke up to his unappreciatively handsome visage, she may react badly. As such, he made sure her environs were comfortable. 

He glanced at her readings, she would soon wake up. Mojo pressed a button for the intercom in her room.

"Good morning, Ms Pryor. How are you feeling?"

April 14th, 2011

Collecting the Suporting Cast @ 11:09 am


Mojo was excited. Very excited. Almost to the point of sin. Well, maybe past the point, but then again, Mojo was beyond any such limits. His plan bordered the realms of genius and insanity, as his plans so often did. He had watched with intial dismay as the mutant population had been reduced to a fraction of its former size. Naturally he was concerned about how this would affect his, the survival of a species..and..screw it, he only cared about his ratings. However, some interesting events have occured as a result. One of which had been the assault of Norman Osborn, who was nutty enough to have his own soap spinoff, upon the newly formed mutant nation, Utopia. It had pitted the Avengers against the X-Men in a life or death struggle.

Well..not the real Avengers, which was something of a letdown. However, the episode had given Mojo an idea of epic proportions. One that would fulfill all his dreams, albeit insane, but dreams nonetheless. However, every journey must begin with a single step, and thus why Mojo had summoned his chief servant, his go-to gal, as looney a woman as he ever made crazy, Spiral.

Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game