To Free Thor
Sif had provided the way to Asgard and with Sersi's help they had retrieved Mjolnir from the spot it had sat since Thor had been taken by Loki. Sersi had reported that there had been many attempts to move it, but all had failed. With Moljnir in the hands of Captain America, they made their way to Hel.
Sif went straight for an audience with Hela and let the Avengers go off to find Thor. With fortune and luck on their side, Sif would be able to distract Hela long enough for the Avengers to free Thor.
"Hela! I wouldst have words with thee!" Sif said as she approved the ruler of this realm. The spirits of the dead hovered near Sif as she approached the throne where Hela sat with a large wolf on each side.
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