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eternalhedonist ([info]eternalhedonist) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2010-10-02 09:30:00

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Entry tags:avengers, captain america, hercules, iron man, lady sif, sersi, she-hulk

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Sersi had spent the last month in Asgard trying to find out what happened to the real Thor. She had taken Amora's shape and had gone undercover in the fake-Thor's court to get the information the Avengers needed. As for the real Amora, well Sersi figured she would find someone to turn her back into human form at some point. Sersi had to admit the woman had made a wonderful snake.

It had been an interesting experience for Sersi and she would have to make note to visit Asgard again when the real Thor was back in control.

Sersi-Amora landed on the Avengers' front lawn and had transmuted herself back into her normal form. She smiled and walked into the mansion. She sent a message to all of the Avengers to meet in the main meeting room.

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Re: The low down
2010-10-07 01:31 am UTC (link)
Jennifer listened to what Sif had to say. She had no question at the moment.

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Re: The low down
2010-10-08 05:01 am UTC (link)
"None of the realms wilt be easy to get into, but if we free Thor from Hel the others wilt be easier. Hela wilt be reluctant to give up Thor," Sif said. "But it ist not impossible to free him."

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Re: The low down
2010-10-08 06:10 pm UTC (link)
“Freeing Thor first does sound like a good idea,” Steve said, “What would you recommend we do about Hela?”

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Re: The low down
2010-10-09 02:53 am UTC (link)
Tony considers what he'll need to bring for this mission. His armor can take a pounding, but with Asgardians in the mix, one could never be too careful. Then again, the Godbreaker Armor hadn't been tested yet and he couldn't be sure how it would function.

"Free Thor, the Warriors Three, smack Loki around, come home and celebrate, preferably with hot Eternals and Goddesses and green women. Damn, I like this plan.

What are we waiting for?" Tony asks with a roguish grin.

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 12:57 am UTC (link)
"I can get us there of course," Sersi said. Though the idea of telporting was one that she didn't like. "But from what I've heard of Hela, she's not very pleasant to deal with."

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 04:42 pm UTC (link)
"Mayhap there ist a better way than confronting Hela directly," Sif said. "We canst find Mjolnir and get it to Thor. He wilt be able to deal with Hela. Captain America hath proven worthy to lift Mjolnir. Then we wouldst not have to face Hela directly."

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 04:43 pm UTC (link)
Steve nodded. “Yes I have,” he said, “This option sounds like our best choice right now.”

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 05:27 pm UTC (link)
"Well, if he's in her realm, Mjolnir will probably be a big neon sign for her, won't it? She'll challenge us as soon as she knows were there, won't she?" Tony asks.

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 05:42 pm UTC (link)
"Hela wilt sense anyone coming into her realm with or without Mojlnir," Sif explained. "I wilt distract her while Captain America and the Avengers deliver Moljnir," Sif said.

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Re: The low down
2010-10-10 07:06 pm UTC (link)
"Then I guess that just means we get in there and make it fast with the godly jail busting." Tony says.

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