Testing the waters.
Dr. McCoy hadn't been able to discern anything wrong with Jean and that itself was disconcerting. She'd had Cerebro try to check her out as well, but she still read with the same mutant powers she'd always had. That was even weirder. No one visibly seemed much bothered and Jean decided not to probe into minds of her friends and team to see what they were really thinking, but there was an uneasiness. Something wasn't right and she knew it which is why she decided her best bet to get to the bottom of the issue was to try to recreate it. She'd asked Scott to meet her in the Danger Room. Any other X-Man who wanted to come was invited as well, but with the caveat that things could get really weird. She wasn't sure who would show up and with that other bit of uncertainty in mind, she waited for others to arrive so they could get this party started.
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