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omega_phoenix ([info]omega_phoenix) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2010-09-18 10:20:00

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Entry tags:"clones", cyclops, gambit, jean grey, wolverine

Testing the waters.
Dr. McCoy hadn't been able to discern anything wrong with Jean and that itself was disconcerting.  She'd had Cerebro try to check her out as well, but she still read with the same mutant powers she'd always had.  That was even weirder.  No one visibly seemed much bothered and Jean decided not to probe into minds of her friends and team to see what they were really thinking, but there was an uneasiness.  Something wasn't right and she knew it which is why she decided her best bet to get to the bottom of the issue was to try to recreate it.  She'd asked Scott to meet her in the Danger Room.  Any other X-Man who wanted to come was invited as well, but with the caveat that things could get really weird.  She wasn't sure who would show up and with that other bit of uncertainty in mind, she waited for others to arrive so they could get this party started.

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2010-09-23 03:41 am UTC (link)
Scott nodded and cleared his throat. "Right. Initiate Danger Room program 917-B."

The Danger Room began to come to life as it worked to start the program.

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2010-09-26 01:25 am UTC (link)
Gambit draws a few cards, releasing the stored energy within them by touch. He readies himself for whatever will come next.

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2010-09-26 03:17 pm UTC (link)
Danger Room program 917-B was a worst-case scenario program designed to throw everything imaginable at those running it at the start in an attempt to wear them down and simulate a long-running fight sequence where the other members of the responding team had already gone down. Literally within seconds of the program coming online, the group would find themselves facing an entire army of Sentinels in the middle of Manhattan.

Jean dodged a blast and quickly rolled to the right.

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2010-09-26 06:12 pm UTC (link)
Scott fired an optic blast at the nearest sentinel, targeting joins and other vulnerable points.

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2010-09-29 02:34 pm UTC (link)
"Remy, to your left!" Jean jumped up from the ground in time to see a Sentinel turn to Remy.

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2010-10-01 12:18 am UTC (link)
Remy had been so focused on not getting smashed by one Sentinel that he nearly let another finish him. Still, he rolls out of the way with fluid grace, coming up into a crouch.

The cards fly from his hand before he's even fully upright, he knows their on target as they streak toward the Sentinel, blowing out an eye.

"T'anks, chere!" Remy calls out to Jean.

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