It was his old home and yet at the same time it was not his old home. Since he had arrived Erik had learned the magnetic structures of his area until once again he could monitor them without thinking. It was much the same as breathing or your heart beating to him to have the fields and waves of power and resistance constantly at the edges of his awareness. It was one of the reasons he was always so hard to sneak up on. It is hard to take someone by surprise when you have to move through the magnetic fields to get there.
Their role here was not sure yet. He encouraged Exodus to explore and speak with people while they waited but he had kept himself separate for now unless he was approached by someone. Those who approached were always treated openly and with honesty which might be a surprise for some. And he kept his helmet off to show his trust that even should Emma decide to transgress and look inside his mind that she would find only the intent he'd shown since the beginning.
They would figure out what to do with him eventually or at least allow him to figure that out for himself. Until then he waited.
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