Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

Acclimatizing @ 12:19 pm


His reunion with his people had gone pretty much as he expected. A few were overjoyed to see him, a few were outraged by his mere presence, and the majority didn't know how to react to him. Thor offered them a village in Asgard where they could be safe and under the protection of the Asgardians, to which the grateful Korbinites accepted. When Bill offered to take them, they refused. To them the destruction and death was too new, and many blamed him due to his negligence. Thus Bill had returned to Earth.

"This is going to experience," he muttered to himself.

He saw the looks of passerbys as he walked through the city. He'd gotten mixed reactions, much like those from his own people. Some smiled and waved, recognizing him. Others shrank away from his presence. A few had yelled "mutie" and threw objects at him. Bill grumbled to himself. He would have to find proper lodgings. Thor had offered Bill a home in Asgard, but he declined. If he was going to protect his new world, he must not fall into the negligence that had cost the Korbinites their home. No, he'd need an alternative.

The Monster That Wanted to be a Real Man @ 05:13 pm


Quasimodo walked over the crumpled bodies of the AIM personnel as he began his search of the lab. The location was on a small unmarked island in the Pacific. Norman Osborn had discovered this group of AIM scientists, but saw them as little threat and wrote them off. Normally Quasimodo would agree, but this group had been studying a subject that interested him, biomechanics. They were looking for ways to create humanoids with bionic enhancements of a less mechanical nature. What the Living Computer wanted more than anything, was to attain a human body. If what these AIM scientists had tried to do worked, then feasibly not only could Quasimodo create a body for himself, but a body that would allow him to transfer his power as well. On that glorious day, his life would begin anew. He'd use Osborn's archives to make him a power unto himself. 

"At last I will be the master. It will take time, but if there is one thing a living computer has, it's patience."

Quasimodo then began to sift through AIM's files.

Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game