Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

Nearly done and we still haven't started...(Open to X-Men) @ 04:37 pm


Scott Summers looked down at the stacks of paperwork and information on his desk with a critical eye. Trade agreements, delivery manifests and personnel reports were among the top things that he needed to find time to deal with. He also had to schedule time to talk to everyone in the various areas of Utopia on the progress of rebuilding from Bastion's attack. His people, both the X-Men and mutants in general, have been through so much recently that it was wonder they hadn't broken yet. Of course, there were many that did.

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One Year Ago @ 05:57 pm


Nick Fury knew where all of his troublemakers were almost all of the time. This way he knew when a headache was coming. There was one individual, not necessarily one of the troublemakers, he always kept tabs on was one Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.

Rogers was currently enjoying a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs at Rosie's Diner. Nick walked into the diner carrying a manila envelope. He slid into the booth and smiled at the waitress that appeared at the table. "Cup o' yer best, honey," he said favoring her with one of his best smiles.

"Coming right up," she said and went to get the coffee.

He looked at Steve and slid the envelope across the table.. "Got somethin' ya might be interested in."

Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game