Daredevil freezes, his head snapping around at the sound of his name being called out. His fist doesn't fall again, but he holds Deems up by the collar of his shirt, tensed and ready to continue the pummeling.
The scent of blood permeates the room, but beneath it, he can smell someone familiar, someone he knows. Deems' heartbeat is slowing, growing fainter, while Tasha's is strong and quick. He hears the click of the button on her weapon, and he realizes that she hasn't moved.
She can see that his gloves are torn, exposing bloody and bruised flesh underneath. He aches all over his body, and that the adrenaline is fading, the pain of that gunshot wound rushes into the void.
"Widow...I...he killed her." he says, his voice breaking as he finally drops Deems and falls to his knees. The tears don't come, but now Matt is just hollow and numb, despite the pain.
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