Something, perhaps, a little different... (Flashback Scene)
After bringing Emma to Atlantis and, generally, providing for her comfort, Namor has given the woman some time to acclimate herself to the city and his people. He hasn't been ignoring her, though he /may/ have been ignoring the situation that seems to have sprung up between them - though getting him to admit that will be a near impossible task. She will want for nothing while she is here - there are advantages to being the guest of the ruler of an entire kingdom. Foods, alcohol, jewels and clothes all at her disposal, though not entirely clear if they belong to her or are just for her use.
Though, there is very little functional difference between the two while she resides here.
He has been busying himself with the functions of ruling, though that cannot even take up all of his time. He finds himself running out of legitimate things to do - even if he has done more for the day to day running of his government in the past says than he has done in quite some time.
He will have to face the lady in question and, also, himself soon enough.
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