A moment of contemplation.
It was after midnight in New York City. It had been a busy night. He raided a crackhouse, scared the crap out of the tenants, and even managed not to kill anybody. Though the reasoning wasn't that he hadn't wanted to. A woman, a dopefiend by her appeance, had been there with her young son. Bad enough what people on the streets experienced day-in and day-out, but the last he wanted to do was be the one to scar a child with gruesome images. He used his powers on the woman, curing her of her addiction, and promptly told her to get out. Yeah, it was definitely not one of his better nights.
Since being rid of the symbiote and gaining his new suit, he felt it was his newfound mission to something for people wrecked by addictions and disease. Sadly, he oftentimes wondered if it was a losing battle.. He didn't want to be "Eddie Brock, the murderer" anymore. At the same time he couldn't see making much progress with the standard masked vigilante response.
'Pretty damn rich to have Frank Castle of all people call me a murderer. Still, doesn't make it easier to hear."
At the moment, things were relatively quiet. He stood on the roof of a small building and just enjoyed the brief respite. God only knows it likely wouldn't be long before he'd have to get back to work.
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