Several minutes later, Cyclops walks out to the platform, stopping ten yards from Magneto and Exodus. He notes that Erik has removed his helmet and that Exodus' eyes are not glowing as they often do when his powers are in use.
From this, he deduces a few things:
1. If Magneto wanted them dead, he could have crushed them with the composition of Utopia and they'd have been nearly powerless to stop him.
2. Magneto has a world-class telepath in Exdous: If he wanted to sneak about or try anything underhanded, again, they'd have had little chance of stopping him.
3. They are waiting patiently, rather than demanding to know who is in charge.
Conclusion: They /appear/ to be here for a talk.
"What brings the two of you to Utopia?" Scott asks civilly, mindful of the number of people currently watching them.
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