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User:madeofwin (22430)
So I heard you like...
Theme:Post things that are made of win!
About:Welcome to [info]madeofwin. The premise is simple. Feel like saying someone or something is made of win? Do it here.

1. Do not post anything offensive to a race or religion.
2. Large images should be placed under a cut. Below is the cut code if you don't know it:

3. Any embedded videos should go under a cut.

More rules will be added if the need for them arises.

[info]rants [info]lmaoaim [info]heart_broken [info]scribbldsecrets [info]wtfaim
Maintainers:1: kiokushitaka
Members:53: _____, ada, aheroemerges, amoeba, anthem, cincinnati, clubs, dandi, demoned, diaochan, eevee, eimii, fallenscarlet, feuerfrei, fevered, girlafraid, higinia, himemiya, hitler, ilucifel, jackspicer, juuhachigou, kiokushitaka, kirie, lovemedead, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mahasen, mei, monument, opheliac, poisonheart, policeacademy, rambo, roark, rubbish, ruka, sehnsucht, sen, sex_pancake, sexandpolitics, shadowvulcan, shinimegami, sparks, squishy, strawberrytea, unicorn, urgent, utena, voltaire, wolf, zellywellywoowo, zombeh
Watched by:40: _____, aheroemerges, amoeba, anthem, cincinnati, clubs, dandi, diaochan, eevee, eimii, fallenscarlet, feuerfrei, girlafraid, higinia, himemiya, hitler, jackspicer, juuhachigou, kiokushitaka, kirie, lovemedead, luvotomy, magickcauldron, monument, poisonheart, policeacademy, roark, rubbish, ruka, sen, sex_pancake, sexandpolitics, shadowvulcan, squishy, strawberrytea, unicorn, urgent, utena, wolf, zombeh
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2008-06-04 16:57:52
Date updated:2010-05-08 23:43:03, 771 weeks ago
Clients used:
Journal entries:171
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 787
Posting Access:52: _____, ada, aheroemerges, amoeba, anthem, cincinnati, clubs, dandi, demoned, diaochan, eevee, eimii, fallenscarlet, feuerfrei, girlafraid, higinia, himemiya, hitler, ilucifel, jackspicer, juuhachigou, kiokushitaka, kirie, lovemedead, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mahasen, mei, monument, opheliac, poisonheart, policeacademy, rambo, roark, rubbish, ruka, sehnsucht, sen, sex_pancake, sexandpolitics, shadowvulcan, shinimegami, sparks, squishy, strawberrytea, unicorn, urgent, utena, voltaire, wolf, zellywellywoowo, zombeh

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